Get Ready, Censors–Anthony Scaramucci Is Coming To ‘The Late Show’

Just days after Stephen Colbert paid tribute to Anthony Scaramucci, the CBS late night host tweeted he’s booked America’s shortest lived White House Communications Director as his Late Show guest for Monday.

All of late night TV mourned when The Mooch got the hook in late July. His press briefings were the stuff of which brilliant monologues were made.

The Mooch got axed by John Kelly who, ironically, was the replacement for Reince Priebus, the guy Mooch was brought on board to whack as White House Chief of Staff.

In a storyline that gives House of Cards storylines a run for their money, Kelly canned Mooch at the request of POTUS Donald Trump – because, WaPo reported, the Trump family did not like being associated with anything so vulgar as Scaramucci’s interview with The New Yorker‘s Washington correspondent Ryan Lizza in which Scaramucci claimed White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon engages in autofellatio and other interesting observations.

News of Colbert’s booking comes less than a week after Scaramucci canceled a planned appearance at Politicon, as well as a highly hyped social media event. Taking to Twitter, Scaramucci said was going to focus on his “family” and “my work in the private sector #MovingForward.”

Moving Forward apparently starts on Late Show:

Scaramucci got canned after giving a gobsmaking phone interview to New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, tweeting after the interview went thermonuclear that he had “made a mistake in trusting a reporter” and “it won’t happen again.”

Lizza had a different take, saying the phone interview had been on the record.

“When the Communications Director for the White House calls you and tells you, on the record, that he’s about to fire the entire communications staff, that he has called the FBI to investigate the Chief of Staff at the White House, and that the Chief Strategist is engaged in autofellatio, I think that is a fairly newsworthy set of comments,” Lizza asserted.“My job as a reporter is not to keep things private and confidential when the Communications Director tells me things. My job is to report them, so the public understands what’s going on at the White House.”

Scaramucci’s booking is another feather in cap for Colbert, who has been getting goosed ratings since he threw caution to the wind and went all-in for Donald Trump parody; Colbert pulled ahead of NBC’s Tonight Show in overall audience – last week winning by his largest margin yet, about 900K viewers over Jimmy Fallon’s show.

Here is Stephen Colbert’s homage to Scaramucci’s short, brilliant career in Donald Trump’s White House:

Where to watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert