Donald Trump Is A “F*cking Idiot” For Not Condemning Nazis, Says John Oliver

John Oliver began Sunday’s Last Week Tonight in a full-on rage, condemning President Donald Trump for his refusal to single out white nationalists in wake of a domestic terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Va.

The tragedy, which left protester Heather Heyer dead after a man rammed his car into a group of demonstrators, took place during a march by white nationalists and neo-Nazis (including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke), who roamed the streets of Charlottesville chanting “White Lives Matter.” Trump spoke at a press conference following the attack and, instead of denouncing white nationalists, insisted that there was “violence on many sides.”

“‘On many sides’? This was a white nationalist rally. You have to call that out by name,” Oliver said. “There honestly aren’t many instances in modern American politics where you could honestly think, ‘That guy really should’ve mentioned the Nazis,’ but this is emphatically one of them.”

Oliver then alleged that Trump was feeding into his base by not singling out white nationalists, who praised POTUS for his vague response: “Nazis are a lot like cats: If they like you, it’s probably because you’re feeding them.”

“What kind of f—king idiot would not immediately distance himself from them?” Oliver continued, perplexed that he even had to ask the question. “It simply doesn’t get easier than disavowing Nazis. It’s almost as much of a presidential gimme as pardoning a f—king turkey.”

In conclusion, Oliver argued that “there is clearly no point in awaiting leadership from our president at moments like this, because it is just not coming.” And should Trump decide to clarify his statement in the coming days, “it’ll be too late… because his first response is who he is.”

Where to Stream Last Week Tonight with John Oliver