‘Difficult People’ Gives Us A Billy Eichner and John Cho Kiss Even Hotter Than We Imagined

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The big buzz about season 3 of Difficult People was not only that John Cho would be stopping by, but that he’d be a romantic interest for Billy (Billy Eichner). In today’s episode, “Rabbitversary,” Cho makes his debut as “dickish advertising exec” Todd, and what a debut it was.

After sparring with Billy for using his headshot as part of an anti-circumcision campaign, the two wage a digital war on each other, with a bit of heavy Facebook stalking mixed in. When Billy and Todd reunite, both on the way to making each other look like racists at their respective jobs with the same exact props in hand, they bond over their mutual hatred of the phrase “I need a vacation from my vacation,” point out how “fucked up” each of them are, and give viewers a very satisfying makeout sesh. Oh, and all in front of a bus full of tourists, no less.

But this kiss is hot for a number of reasons, and the way Difficult People executed it on screen is a big part of what makes this show so genius. First of all, yes, we can use more steamy gay kisses on-screen. Hooray for checking that box. Second, John Cho himself was the face of the #StarringJohnCho campaign last year, which popped up on social media as a way to acknowledge the white-washing of Hollywood and offer up very attractive and capable actor John Cho as a potential leading man. The fact that Difficult People brought him in specifically to be a romantic partner for Billy is not just a wink but a full nod in the direction of people that not only want to be heard, but want to see a version of themselves on screen. By having Billy and Todd share such a great kiss is an important moment; that we also find it super hot is a great bonus.

Because all of those things aside, it’s simply a sexy lip-lock. From a physical perspective, just look at that passion and those hands. Whoo! And from an emotional perspective, it’s exciting that Billy has met his match. This is a guy just as bitchy and grumpy as he is, and we all know the only turn on bigger than finding out you like the same things as someone, is finding out that you both dislike the same things. These two can cuss at each other all day, but once they act on the sexual tension boiling up inside themselves, well, there’s really nothing more romantic than that.

Difficult People was smart to give us the Billy and Todd make out shortly after Cho’s introduction. They acted on that attraction, and giving us a healthy dose of Cho’s fantastic comedic acting skills right off the bat is always a wise move. It was a perfect build up into a sexy smooch, and we will look forward to even more of them during Cho’s time on the show this season, because we can’t wait to see how miserably happy these two make each other.

Where to watch Difficult People