‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Finale, “The Dragon and the Wolf” Preview Breakdown

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The Game of Thrones season 7 finale, “The Dragon and the Wolf” is less than a week away. Luckily, we have a 47 second preview to breakdown. 

What Is It?: It’s the official “Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Preview” — and it sets up the stakes for “The Dragon and the Wolf,” which will clock in at 79 minutes and 43 seconds.

What Are We Basically Seeing?: The trailer opens on Grey Worm standing in front of Daenerys’s vast army of Unsullied assembled on a field. Then we cut to a shot of Kings Landing, where Daenerys’s fleet is sailing into the harbor. We see Tyrion looking grim on the deck of one ship, and Varys, Theon, and some Dothraki are in the background. We switch to see what Tyrion sees and it appears to be the Iron Fleet already waiting in the harbor. We then go back to the field of the Unsullied and watch as Dothraki troops ride in as reinforcements. Then we cut to Jaime and Bronn surveying this assembling army from the ramparts of Kings Landing. We then switch locations and go back to Winterfell. Sansa is walking the ramparts there. There’s then a shot of someone — we’re guessing Theon — dramatically collapsing on a beach.

We watch Cersei (from behind) enter her map room in Kings Landing. Then we go to new exterior set: it looks like the ruins of a great dome structure and is evocative of the Roman Coliseum. Red tent-like structures are set up in the middle and we can see a group — led by Jon, Varys, Tyrion, and others — walking towards it. We get a couple quick shots of the converging parties: Jon, Tyrion, and Varys are there with what looks like Daenerys’s allies (i.e. Davos, Podrick, Theon, Jorah, Brienne, and some Dothraki) and Cersei is taking her seat under the red tents. We see Jaime is at her side.

Finally, Jon Snow says: “There is only one war that matters and it is here.”

Where Should I Pause It?: We would suggest a couple quick pauses around 0:31 -0:37. That’s where we were able to make out all the individuals in Jon and Tyrion’s party — confirming that this is indeed when Jon intends to show Cersei a wight.

What Do You Think Is Going To Happen Next Week? Well, we know that the plan is for Jon to bring a wight to Cersei’s front door to try to convince her that it’s imperative that everyone in Westeros joins forces against the Army of the Dead. (And that front door looks suspiciously like what the ruins of the Sept of Baelor may theoretically look like.) However, it’s very ominous that basically all the human armies on the map — save for Jon and Sansa’s army — has converged on Kings Landing. It’s basically a recipe for disaster.

That said, I’m really worried what might happen in the North next week. With all the attention in the teaser put on the South, I can’t help but feel in my Game of Thrones-prognosticating bones that the Night’s King has a perfect opening to take the armies up north by surprise with his new ice dragon. Just saying!

How Long Do I Need To Wait For This All-New Episode? The Game of Thrones Season 7 finale will premiere on Sunday, August 27 at 9 PM ET.

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