Decider After Dark

“Do You Think We Can Get More Sensual?”: Watch The Cringeworthy TV Interview With Samantha The Sex Robot

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Let’s discuss sex robots.

The British talk show This Morning recently welcomed Arran Lee Wright, the co-creator of a Samantha, an advanced sex robot possessing artificial intelligence, onto its program. Featuring realistic skin texture and the ability to verbally interact with a human, “Samantha” accompanied Wright on the morning show, albeit in “off mode.”

Responding to co-host Holly Willoughby’s question of “why, why, why, why is this necessary?” Wright explained that he believes that sex robots are not designed to replace women but instead can be used as a supplement to help people enhance their relationships. After hearing a sample of the doll’s verbal dexterity — Samantha says things like “I love you too,” “do you think we can get more sensual?” and “I can take many times. Much more love. Just because you can give it, and I take it all” — co-host Philip Schofield remarked, “It’s a bit like making love to a car GPS, isn’t it?”

Oddly enough, this was far from the most unnerving part of the interview.

Wright — who has two children, ages three and five, of his own — went on to reveal that his kids interact with Samantha, a sex doll, when she’s in something called “family mode.”

“Samantha has a family mode. She can talk about animals; she can talk about philosophy; she can talk about science; she’s programmed to tell a 1000 jokes, which is at random, so I don’t know all of them. So there’s a lot to Samantha. She’s advanced.”

Psychologist Emma Kenny was also on hand to voice her many concerns as she noted that just because we have the technological capabilities to do something doesn’t mean we should actually do it. “This is not real. She is not called Samantha,” Kenny said. “She is a piece of whatever you’ve made. She’s got voices that are simulated that aren’t human. Certainly having your children around [it] is worrying.”

Arran and his wife Hannah, who also appeared on the show, incorporate Samantha into their sex life. Hannah agreed that she was completely happy with Samantha’s presence and doesn’t take offense to her being around.

“She’s just someone who’s like a family member,” Hannah said. “I’m not worried at all because I’m not replaceable by Samantha, and she’s actually helped us to enhance our relationship.

[h/t Mashable]

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