More Than 8 Million People ‘Binge Race’ Their Favorite Netflix Series

Where to Stream:

Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life

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Have you ever watched an entire season of your favorite show within a day of its release on Netflix? If so, you’re what Netflix is calling a “binge racer,” a new classification of viewers who believe that finishing a series quickly is a badge of honor.

According to Netflix, binge racing is much more common than you’d think. 8.4 million Netflix users have binge raced at least once, and between 2013 and 2016, the number of people who finish a series or season on the day it launches has increased from 200,000 to more than 5 million. And no, the 8.4 million of us (clearly, this is more of an “us” than a “them” phenomenon) racing through our favorite shows aren’t all lazy Americans. In fact, these users are spread out all across the globe, and Netflix’s list of the Top 20 Binge Racing Countries includes countries as diverse as Peru, New Zealand, and Canada.

Worldwide, the top binge raced show is Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. Could it be because it was only four episodes? Or perhaps because viewers wanted to know those elusive final four words? Either way, the Gilmore Girls revival is in good company when it comes to shows that Netflix viewers aren’t afraid to race through: other series on the list include Fuller HouseMarvel’s The Defenders, and GLOW.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about binge racing is that it happens with almost any kind of Netflix original series, not just the most obvious ones. You’d think that 30-minute comedies or seasons with fewer episodes would be the most commonly binge raced shows, but the platform’s denser offerings are also consumed with speed. Netflix notes that five US viewers have raced through all five seasons of House of Cards in less than 24 hours, and the popular but incredibly heavy Orange is the New Black ranks at #9 on the list of Top Binge Raced Shows.

So, if your friends say that you’re a loser for finishing the new season of Stranger Things in one sitting, stand up for yourself. You’re not a loser, you’re a pretty damn accomplished binge racer.

For more information on binge racing, check out Netflix’s press release.