This Fan-Made Trailer For A ‘Nightmare On Elm Street’ Netflix Show Is All Kinds Of Awesome

With hundreds of original shows and movies and even more in production, it can sometimes feel like Netflix has too much original content. However, there’s one more show the streaming service needs to add to its arsenal. As this fan-made trailer proves, Netflix needs to give us A Nightmare on Elm Street show.

Created by YouTuber José Mellinas, A Nightmare on Elm Street: A Netflix Original Series teases some of the most tense moments of the franchise all while Marge Thompson (Ronee Blakley) gives an ominous explanation of Freddy Kruger’s origin story. All the classics are there: a woman levitating from off of a bed, foreboding shots of Molotov cocktails and furnaces, and even a leery shot of a dark figure in the bedroom.

However, the trailer smartly avoids actually showing Kruger. Instead it focuses on basically everything around the nightmare terrorist while playing audio from the original movie. “You want to know who Freddy Kruger was? He was a filthy child murderer who killed at least 20 kids in the neighborhood. Kids we all knew,” Marge says while intense music plays. “But he can’t get you now. He’s dead, honey, because mommy killed him.” Or did she … ?

So far the YouTube comments, a notoriously dangerous and toxic pocket of the internet, have been overwhelmingly positive, probably because this trailer is so freaking good. Mellinas has Netflix’s number, perfectly capturing the dramatic music and flashes of action the streaming service likes to use during its trailers for bigger projects. It’s a very good parody, but counterpoint? It’s also an incredible idea. If Netflix really made A Nightmare on Elm Street series, you can bet I would binge the whole thing with my dad the second it premiered.

Sadly, Netflix hasn’t announced any plans for a Nightmare adaptation, but the 1984 movie is currently available for digital rental or purchase on Amazon Video and iTunes. Here’s where you can stream all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies:

Where to stream A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)