‘Lost & Found Music Studios’ On Netflix: Why Is This Cheesy Canadian Teen Show So Irresistible?

There’s something to be said for a nice, healthy dose of low-stakes drama, and when you’re feeling like you need a quick, harmless hit of it, there’s no better place to turn than Lost & Found Music Studios on Netflix.

The fictional Canadian teen musical series is a spinoff of The Next Step, which followed a group of attractive and talented young people at a dance studio. Lost & Found continues the mockumentary style, and even shares a few faces and spaces with its predecessor, but focuses on a group of young and attractive musicians. Lost & Found Studios are…not a school, or college, or a club, or just a general gathering place, but this “program” they’re enrolled in allows the studios to serve as all of those functions when convenient. They work on writing, performing, and recording songs that are so damn catchy, it’s impossible not to find your foot tapping along.

Two of the main cast members are Luke and Leia (yes, really — and no, this is not immediately addressed), played by Shane Harte and Keara Graves. Harte must have been specifically designed at a Justin Bieber cloning lab, but his cool, chill vibe along with impossibly adorable good looks makes for the perfect leading man here. As for Graves? She’s delivering one of the bitchiest teen villains we’ve seen for quite some time as the uptight, insecure, yet brilliant songwriter.

The drama here comes from crushes and music competitions, and despite how determined these kids are to chase what they want, they are still coated in Canadian politeness. The expository confessional moments are used to push the characters’ genuine feelings, but rarely aren’t cheesy. Kind of like a toned down Degrassi meets High School Musical meets The Office, there’s something so undeniably entertaining about watching pretty, young people stumble through their feelings and goals and all the mild blunders and even milder backstabbing that comes along with it. Because that source of stress from two episodes ago? Already forgotten. Look, they’re just here to make music and make it big! Oh, and to have fun with their friends, too.

Lost & Found Music Studios is comfortably predictable and gentle in its storytelling, and with those catchy pop songs on top? You’ve got an easy and enjoyable watch on your hands. Like watching a little puppy, it’s just so damn cute you’ll have no problem ignoring the many plot holes that arise. Let us not forget, this is the land that gave us the musical stylings of Bieber, Drake, and Carly Rae Jepsen, and they all seemed cheesy at first too. So chances are, any other music-related entertainment they’re sharing with us is at least worth a try — and this one is.

Where to watch Lost & Fond Music Studios