Watch This News Anchor Run Away Crying After Eating The World’s Spiciest Chip

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to the Paqui #OneChipChallenge, a viral video challenge in which people eat the dangerously spicy Carolina Reaper Chip and record their reactions. Last time, a Denver TV anchor couldn’t handle the spice, and she immediately threw up all over national television. Today, we’re bringing you a new video, this time featuring two anchors from Philadelphia who have very different reactions to the chip.

Last week, Jim Donovan and Rahel Solomon saw Shaq totally kill the challenge (there was no reaction at all from the basketball icon), and his performance inspired the CBS Eyewitness News This Morning team to try the chip for themselves.

In the video below, Solomon tells Donovan that she’s Ethiopian and “has been eating hot sauce since she was a baby,” so she has an unnaturally high tolerance for spicy food. Of course, Donovan is a classic white dude news anchor, so things don’t go as well for him. As soon as he eats the chip, his eyes begin watering, he hops up and down to deal with the pain, and he can’t even pretend to make small talk with his co-anchor. Solomon, on the other hand, is totally calm as she asks whether they should “get a medic for Jim” and offers him milk and water.

The contrast between Solomon’s graceful, Shaq-like demeanor and Donovan’s complete agony is hilarious, so it’s no surprise that their video has gone viral. Check out the entire video below, and keep your fingers crossed that more anchors will brave the #OneChipChallenge in the coming days.