J.K. Rowling’s Defense Of Johnny Depp’s ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Casting Is A Disappointing, Hypocritical Cop-Out

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Last year, when Johnny Depp came under fire for allegedly abusing then-wife Amber Heard, his cameo role as Grindelwald in Harry Potter spin-off series Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them had largely been completed. His appearance in the film was intended to be a surprise, and for many, it wasn’t necessarily a pleasant one. Since the floodgates have opened in Hollywood surrounding instances of abuse (and big players like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and more have essentially been booted from the industry), it seemed possible that Depp’s role might be recast in the sequel, The Crimes of Grindelwald. Promotional photos released last month (and a statement from director David Yates defending Depp as someone “full of decency and kindness”), however, proved that Warner Bros. wasn’t budging.

Outcry from fans furious about the decision not to oust Depp has been boiling for some time now, but things came to a head this morning when author J.K. Rowling finally broke her silence on the matter and published a statement on her website defending the choice to keep Depp in the film:

When Johnny Depp was cast as Grindelwald, I thought he’d be wonderful in the role. However, around the time of filming his cameo in the first movie, stories had appeared in the press that deeply concerned me and everyone most closely involved in the franchise.

Harry Potter fans had legitimate questions and concerns about our choice to continue with Johnny Depp in the role. As David Yates, long-time Potter director, has already said, we naturally considered the possibility of recasting. I understand why some have been confused and angry about why that didn’t happen.

The huge, mutually supportive community that has grown up around Harry Potter is one of the greatest joys of my life. For me personally, the inability to speak openly to fans about this issue has been difficult, frustrating and at times painful. However, the agreements that have been put in place to protect the privacy of two people, both of whom have expressed a desire to get on with their lives, must be respected. Based on our understanding of the circumstances, the filmmakers and I are not only comfortable sticking with our original casting, but genuinely happy to have Johnny playing a major character in the movies.

I’ve loved writing the first two screenplays and I can’t wait for fans to see The Crimes of Grindelwald. I accept that there will be those who are not satisfied with our choice of actor in the title role. However, conscience isn’t governable by committee. Within the fictional world and outside it, we all have to do what we believe to be the right thing.

Rowling’s statement is troubling for a number of reasons, but more than anything, it feels like a cheap, hypocritical cop-out. The author has boasted an online presence rife with social activism for years, including calling out sexual and domestic violence. She’s been a face for girl power and the fight for equality since she assumed her very public platform that has granted her access to young fans and adults alike. For her to concede that the team behind Fantastic Beasts is doing the “right thing” by putting a man accused of domestic violence at the center of a family-targeted film is incredibly disappointing – but sadly, it’s not all that surprising.

The author hasn’t just been radio silent on the matter until this moment. In the weeks leading up to this statement, Rowling apparently blocked users on Twitter who called her out on keeping Depp in the film:

Rowling has long been outspoken on hot button issues like misogyny and assault, long been open about her feminism and support of women, but her move to condone Depp’s allegations gives her the appearance of only believing women in situations of convenience. There is some confusion here about whether or not her hands are tied when it comes to what she can and cannot say (she references “the inability to speak openly to fans about this issue” in her statement), but the general conceit of her decision to stand by Depp and “genuinely happy” feelings about it feel like a slap in the face. By expressing just how “comfortable” they are with Depp’s casting, Rowling and the filmmakers are potentially implying that they believe Heard to be a liar – and that there’s not a chance the claims made against Depp could be true. With every flowery, emotional adjective, Rowling seems to be trying to hide the real point: that she believes Depp. And that hurts.

Fans were quick to call her on the hypocrisy and apparent cowardice of the statement, bringing up past quotes of Rowling’s, easy ways to recast Depp, and wondering why her statement reads near-incomprehensibly:

As someone who credits their love of reading and passion for writing to growing up with the Harry Potter series and Rowling’s inspiring life story, this one stings. It’s one thing to suspect that your childhood hero might have questionable principles, but it’s another to have it confirmed for you in black and white. Rowling wrote that we had to make the choice between what’s right and what’s easy, that women deserve to be heard, that we have to fight for a better world. This statement feels non-committal and lazy, as though it’s been written out of obligation and not because of any moral inclinations or sense of righteousness. There’s no resolve here, no firm stance, no brave move – she might as well have stayed silent on the matter. Harry Potter fans, women, and the rest of the world deserve better than a pandering, evasive statement that exonerates Johnny Depp based on J.K. Rowling’s “understanding of the circumstances”. Based on her words, it seems there is still a lot of understanding left to do.

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