John Mayer Figured It Out: ‘The Accountant’ Is Secretly A Batman Movie

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Much ado has been made about Ben Affleck’s future in the DC movie-verse. One minute he’s committed to playing Batman in a new solo film, another minute rumors are swirling that Justice League was secretly his last time donning the cape. All that speculation might not matter in the long run, though, because Affleck may have already starred in a Batman origin film–at least, that’s the case if you buy into a different strain of fan speculation.

This time, though, that fan is Grammy-award-winning singer/songwriter/blues-dude John Mayer, and that theory involves Affleck’s other 2016 film, The Accountant. The 2016 crime thriller, Mayer posits, actually works as a Bruce Wayne origin story.

The film, which stars Affleck as a CPA with martial arts training and a side gig uncooking the books for notorious crimelords, has everything you need for a Batman origin: he’s highly trained, has family trauma, a secret lair, and a growing bank account.

Mind blown yet?

Mayer’s followers got in on the action, too, pointing out how Commissioner Gordon and Alfred Pennyworth also have covert roles in The Accountant too. And then obviously there’s the fact that, duh, Affleck plays both The Accountant and The Batman!

Could Mayer be right? Is the Bruce Wayne we’ve seen in DC’s recent movies actually an alias for an autistic accountant/vigilante named Christian Wolff?! You know, just like John Mayer tweeted, we’ll give this theory just as much credence as we do Die Hard being a Christmas movie. Yes, The Accountant is exactly as much a Batman movie as Die Hard is a Christmas movie.

And don’t @ us, Die Harders, John Mayer tweeted it.

(via Entertainment Weekly)

Where to watch The Accountant