Woman Crush Wednesday: Noël Wells Is A Phenom

It’s a new year and you know we’ve got a new woman crush. Oh, and we’re not kicking off 2018 with just anyone — this lady is a proven phenom. 2018’s first official Woman Crush Wednesday is hereby bestowed upon the delightful Noël Wells.

WHO’S THAT GAL: Noël Wells

WHY WE’RE CRUSHING: You know when you can just tell someone’s got really good vibes? That’s how we’re feeling about this lady. The talented actress not only wrote but also made her directorial debut with 2017’s indie comedy Mr. Roosevelt, which recently found its way onto Netflix and is more than worth a watch. In addition to being so thoroughly charming and engaging, the film truly captures the essence of what it means to be a millennial these days. As comedian Emily Martin, Noël is able to run the gamut of emotions, and that’s not the only running she does. The physicality she brings to this role deserves a slow clap alone, especially that hop she does over a fence? Just watch, it will all make sense. Mr. Roosevelt is a pretty fantastic showcase for displaying just how magnetic, relatable, and fun Noël can be each and every time she pops up on-screen. She’s nailed the best friend and the girlfriend parts, but she’s truly excelled and given us something special as the leading lady. And something tells us, there’s plenty more of that to come for this gal.

Everett Collection

WHERE YOU’VE SEEN HER BEFORE: Noël probably first caught your attention when she spent a season on Saturday Night Live in 2013. From there, she’s popped up in the films Dreamland and The Incredible Jessica James, but it was her role as Rachel in Master of None that made you fall in love with her, woman crush or otherwise. As Aziz’s season one love interest, she was the perfect performer opposite his character Dev.

NBD that Noël totally took control of her career by making an opportunity for herself with Mr. Roosevelt. Well, make that a triple opportunity since she wrote, directed, and starred all up in it. The indie comedy follows Emily, a standup comedian, who returns to her hometown for a series of (mis)adventures with her ex, his new girlfriend, and some unexpected pals she picks up along the way. It’s an incredibly impressive feat for her first big project, but Noël has completely and totally knocked it out of the park.

WHERE YOU’LL SEE HER AGAIN: Mr. Roosevelt is on Netflix now, and you should watch it there many times and with many friends. But as far as her 2018 plans, Noël’s added her voice to the animated comedy The Adventures of Drunky, and will appear in the comedy films Happy Anniversary and Social Animals, where she’ll star opposite Josh Radnor, and fellow woman crushes Mr. Robot’s Carly Chaikin, and You’re The Worst’s Aya Cash — so go ahead and count us all the way in.

Where to watch Mr. Roosevelt