Barry Jenkins Live-Tweeting ‘Notting Hill’ Might Be Better Than ‘Notting Hill’

While much of the film world was at the New York Film Critics Circle awards on Wednesday night, Barry Jenkins was on an airplane and happened to start watching Notting Hill over someone’s shoulder without the sound on. The Moonlight director often shares his reactions to movies on his Twitter page, so he proceeded to live tweet the entire experience of watching Notting Hill. The result is a glorious 35-tweet thread that might just be better than the movie itself.

The thread includes a number of gems from Jenkins, including the line: “Julia Roberts is a lamp you find in some antique shop in Novia Scotia. A bulb rather. With infinite lumens and a millionwatt range.” Apparently Jenkins could not hear the movie, so he began asking questions to his followers about certain plot points. He also seemed to be listening to non-Notting Hill music that somehow started syncing up with the film.

By the time Notting Hill was ending, the Sandra Bullock-starring The Proposal was about to begin, but Jenkins decided one movie was enough for the trip. Follow along with Jenkins in the Twitter thread below.

Where to watch Notting Hill