Bill Maher Mocks Al Franken’s Sexual Harassment Trouble By Groping Bob Saget

Bill Maher is facing backlash online after posting a photo to his Twitter page in which he seemingly mocks the photograph of Al Franken groping KABC news anchor Leeann Tweeden. The photograph depicts Maher reaching out and groping comedian Bob Saget on an airplane. The caption reads: “These New Years Hawaii trips are getting weird – Saget, forgive me!”

Tweeden came forward on November 16 to accuse Franken of sexual harassment during a 2006 USO Tour in the Middle East. The group was traveling back to the U.S. from Afghanistan and Tweeden fell asleep on the plane while she was still wearing a flak vest and a Kevlar helmet. She was given a CD of photographs taken during the tour when she returned to the U.S. and one showed Franken groping her breasts while she was asleep.

In the wake of Tweeden’s allegation, more women came forward to accuse Franken of sexual harassment. He has since resigned from the United States Senate. The responses to Maher’s photo on Twitter range from praise to scorn, with many taking offense that he would mock sexual harassment.