‘Star Trek: Discovery,’ “Despite Yourself”: What Just Happened On That Amazing, Mirror Universe Episode


Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Tonight’s brand-new episode of Star Trek: Discovery took the crew out of its comfort zone and into…a mirror universe. The Terran Empire’s parallel universe, to be exact. But besides giving us the glee of seeing Cadet Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) transform into Captain “Killy,” “Despite Yourself” also threw a number of narrative twists our way. Lieutenant Ash Tyler’s (Shazad Latif) PTSD revealed itself to be something far more sinister, and one of the show’s most beloved new characters met a violent end. Oh, and torture. The episode ended on a shot of Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs) being brutally tortured.

Do you have questions? Star Trek: Discovery showrunners Gretchen J. Berg and Aaron Harberts have answers. The two hopped on the phone with us last week to discuss what inspired them to take the USS Discovery to a mirror universe this early in the game.

Discovery is all about self-discovery and knowing yourself well,” said Berg. “So it just seemed to dovetail nicely into what the theme was this year where you would have the opportunity to go to a place where you exist in a different way.”

Harberts added, “The theme of second chances also runs through this season and there’s an interesting irony in the fact that Burnham is going to have some second chances, but within the context of a universe that is completely counter to everything she stands for.”

Still, it’s okay if you’re still confused about that crackerjack episode. Some of what popped up is part of old school Trek lore, while other twists seem to be foreshadowing some big, bold steps forward for Star Trek: Discovery. Berg and Harberts helped fill us in on what went down and where Chapter 2 is going next.

What Is The Terran Empire? And Why Take Discovery There?

The Terran Empire is a bleak mirror universe version of the Federation. It first popped up in the classic Star Trek episode, “Mirror, Mirror” (which you can conveniently stream on CBS All Access — just scroll down to our direct button to the episode), and then had some play in a series of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes, but its backstory was fleshed out in an episode of Enterprise called “In a Mirror, Darkly.” The idea is that in a parallel universe to our own, the peaceful “first contact” between the Vulcans and American explorer Zephram Cochrane ended in violence. In “Mirror, Mirror,” a freak transporter accident sends Kirk, McCoy, Uhura, and Scotty to the Terran Empire version of the Enterprise, where war and avarice are prized, pain is doled out like candy, and Mr. Spock has a goatee.

Star Trek is rife with mirror universes and time loops and parallel dimensions, but the Terran Empire belongs to a specific timeline and carries with it specific connotations for Star Trek fans. Berg and Harberts told us that the team behind Star Trek: Discovery were huge fans of “Mirror, Mirror” in particular. Berg saying, “We’re very fond of it,” while Haberts called it, “such a perfect episode of television.”

“It’s so inspirational, especially for our writers’ room, but I think for many, many television series,” Berg added.

“We really wanted to embrace the darkness of that even more,” said Harberts. “And we really wanted to ground that universe a little bit more.”

Photo: CBS

Is Captain Lorca Okay?

In the final moments of “Despite Yourself,” we see the harrowing sight of Captain Gabriel Lorca experience hard-core torture at the hands of the mirror universe Shenzhou’s crew. The moment is striking because of its barbarity, but also because this is the first time we’ve seen Lorca be so vulnerable. So far, Lorca has behaved almost like the anti-Federation Starfleet captain. 

Berg explained that “it’s been interesting to be able to draw” this new chapter for the character. Namely, it’s one where he’s evolving into a more traditional version of what he’s supposed to be.

“Here’s a guy who is so Machiavellian. He’s willing to manipulate and cajole and get other people to do exactly what he wants, and I feel this is the first time where you see him be…so, so selfless for his crew,” said Harberts. “This is a moment, where ironically enough, he almost becomes ‘Kirk-ian in the sense that Kirk always suffered for that crew. It’s interesting that in the mirror universe, Lorca is willing to do that, to become more selfless than we’ve ever seen.”

Photo: CBS

So What’s Going On With Ash Tyler?

Well, it’s official. The Klingons reprogrammed Ash. The twist is they didn’t resort to traditional brainwashing techniques. They overlay a new personality over his existing one. So now, he’s like a sleeper cell for the Klingons. Harberts explained that they want the audience to keep questioning what’s going on with Tyler, since Tyler is asking himself the same questions.

“He is struggling…struggling…I mean, you’ve got this Starfleet officer that you meet within the context of a Klingon prison. He’s been practically tortured to death. You know, he’s been victimized. That idea: can you trust him or not? I feel like he doesn’t even know if he can trust himself at this point. And as we sort of pull the layers off of this character, he’s in a place where he’s starting to come to this starting to come to this horrifying realization that the Klingons may have reprogrammed him. But he doesn’t know what it means!” Harberts said.

Obviously, having a potential Klingon sleeper cell in your midst is dangerous in any situation, but by episode’s end, Michael Burnham has indeed let Tyler back in her bed — in the Captain’s Quarters of the Shenzhou.

Berg said, “Also questioning if you can trust him or not? Personally, by the end of the episode, I really want to trust him! My attitude is, like, okay, you know? He’s going to get a hold of this! He’s certainly committed. What you’re asking is exactly correct.”

Photo: CBS

Is Dr. Hugh Culber Really…Gone?

In a shocking turn, Ash Tyler kills Dr. Culber (Wilson Cruz). Is Dr. Culber really gone? Could something bring him back? We’ve already seen a time loop and gotten a parallel universe this season — is a resurrection out of the question?

Naturally, Berg and Harberts were coy about future storylines, but Harberts gave us this: “We had known for a decent amount of time that we wanted to make that choice for that character. In a way that death is only a beginning.

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Stream Star Trek, "Mirror, Mirror" on CBS All Access