Just How Fun Is ‘Fun Mom Dinner’ On Netflix?

“Is it like Bad Moms?” might be the first question you have about Fun Mom Dinner, and it’s a fair one. The answer is yes. It is. And that’s also the reason why you should watch it.

It’s likely that the success of Bad Moms helped prove that there would in fact be an audience for Fun Mom Dinner. A bit of buzz at Sundance 2017 and having Adam Scott and his wife Naomi as producers, as well as Paul Rudd’s wife Julie as the writer were also a thumbs up for the film, which was directed by Alethea Jones. Could you even imagine: a movie by women, for women!

Fun Mom Dinner stars Katie Aselton, Toni Collette, Bridget Everett, and Molly Shannon as your typical moms: various marriage issues, even more parenting gripes, and one large, desperate need for a relaxing night out of the house. The film hits all the required beats: drugs to loosen the ladies up, frank female discussion, a raunchy joke here and there, and an aspirationally adventurous evening of freedom.

The four female leads are as reliable as it gets. Aselton is her charming self, Collette expertly morphs from vicious to vulnerable, Shannon is sweet as ever, and Bridget Everett is Bridget Everett, a quality this world could use a whole lot more of. And while the ladies remain front and center throughout the film, they’re supported by a group of quality dudes: Scott and Rob Huebel as Aselton and Collette’s semi-clueless husbands, Rudd and pal David Wain as silly suppliers, Adam Levine really reaching as a sexy bartender, and Paul Rust and John Early make their mark during the third act of the film.

While films such as Bad Moms and Girls Trip take things to crazier and even dirtier places, Fun Mom Dinner focuses on the female friendships and each of the women’s marriages. In fact, a real highlight of the film is that there are no fellow female enemies, in the form of PTA meanies or mistresses. This (and the 1 hour and 22 minute run time) makes Fun Mom Dinner the perfect watch for a Girls Night In or, get this, even a Parents Night In. There are elements that men will find funny, relatable, and even enlightening throughout the film, although they might want to know more about vajazzling.

Fun Mom Dinner isn’t trying to reinvent the Moms Gone Wild genre, but they damn sure cement its importance in current cinema. If we could get one of these movies a month or even a quarter, you probably wouldn’t have many objections from female film-viewers. This one fully accomplishes what it sets out to achieve: a funny and worthwhile escape from life’s stresses. There’s a lot to like about this movie, including laughs aplenty and 80s references (and jams) sprinkled throughout, and that you can now watch it without having to actually go out is pretty great too.

Where to watch Fun Mom Dinner