Woody Allen’s Daughter Calls Out Justin Timberlake, Kate Winslet For Working With Her Alleged Assaulter

Dylan Farrow said on CBS This Morning that actors continuing to work with director Woody Allen should “acknowledge their complicity” in perpetuating Hollywood’s “culture of silence.”

Farrow, in her first on-camera TV interview, spoke with co-host Gayle King in a two-part segment covering her longstanding allegations that adoptive father Allen molested her when she was seven years old in 1992.

While some actors who have worked with Allen have recently issued statements of regret or even donated salaries – Natalie Portman, Rebecca Hall, Timothée Chalamet, among others – others, including supported of the Me Too and Time’s Up movements, have not.

In a December 15 tweet, Farrow called out Justin Timberlake, Jim Belushi and Kate Winslet (stars of Allen’s latest film Wonder Wheel). King said CBS This Morning reached out to them but received no response.

“I’m not angry with them,” Farrow said. “I hope that, you know, especially since so many of them have been vocal advocates of this Me Too and Time’s Up movement that, um, they can acknowledge their complicity and maybe hold themselves accountable to how they have perpetuated this culture of – of silence in their industry.

Watch the video above.

“I’ve been saying this, I’ve been repeating my accusations unaltered for over 20 years,” Farrow told King, “and I have been systematically shut down, ignored or discredited. If they can’t acknowledge the accusations of one survivor, how are they going to stand for all of us?”

Earlier on CBS This Morning, during the first part of the segment, Farrow recalled the now familiar details of the case, as she outlined in her 2014 open letter to The New York Times. Now 32, married nearly 8 years and with a 16-month-old daughter, Farrow said that in August 1992, Allen was visiting the Farrows’ Connecticut home when the incident occurred.

“I was taken to a small attic crawlspace in my mother’s country house in Connecticut by my father,” the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow and Allen told King. “He instructed me to lay down on my stomach and play” with her brother’s toy train. “As I played with the toy train I was sexually assaulted.”

Farrow told King that, in the words of her seven-year-old self, Allen “touched my private parts.” She then described the incident “as a 32 year old: He touched my labia and my vulva with his finger.”

Asked by King about longstanding accusations that Farrow was coached by mother Mia Farrow, Dylan responded, “How is this crazy story of me being brainwashed and coached more believable than what I’ve been saying about being sexually assaulted?”

She said, “My mother never coached me.”

Farrow cried as she and King watched an old 60 Minutes segment in which Allen denied the molestation charges by noting how “illogical” the accusations were.

“Isn’t it illogical,” Allen asks in the old clip, “that I’m going to at the height of a very bitter acrimonious custody fight, drive up to Connecticut where nobody likes me and I’m in house full of enemies – I mean Mia was so enraged at me and she had gotten all the kids to be angry at me – that I’m going to drive up there and suddenly on visitation, pick this moment in my life to become a child molester. It’s just, it’s just incredible. I could if I wanted to be a child molester, I had many opportunities in the past. I could have quietly made a custody settlement with Mia in some way and done it in the future. You know, it’s so insane.”

Crying as she watched the clip, Farrow told King, “I thought I could handle it. He’s lying and he’s been lying for so long, and it is difficult for me to see him and hear his voice.”

And Farrow repeated her longstanding claim that Allen “would follow me around, he was always touching me, cuddling me,” and that “he often had me get into bed when he only had underwear on, or I had only underwear on.” She said “he wasn’t this way with Ronan,” a reference to Mia and Woody’s son Ronan Farrow.

Allen was never charged with a crime in this case, King noted, with both New York state child welfare investigators and the Yale New Haven hospital finding that the abuse did not happen. The Connecticut state prosecutor had questioned the Yale New Haven report’s credibility saying there was probable cause to charge Allen but he thought Dylan was “too fragile to face a celebrity trial.”

Asked by King whether she now wishes she’d taken a witness stand, Farrow said, “You know, honestly yes. I do wish that they had, you know, even if I’m just speaking in retrospect. I was already traumatized. Here’s the thing. I mean, outside of a court of law, we do know what happened in the attic on that day. I just told you.”

Allen released the following statement to CBS This Morning:

“When this claim was first made more than 25 years ago, it was thoroughly investigated by both the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of the Yale-New Haven Hospital and New York State Child Welfare. They both did so for many months and independently concluded that no molestation had ever taken place. Instead, they found it likely a vulnerable child had been coached to tell the story by her angry mother during a contentious breakup.

Dylan’s older brother Moses has said that he witnessed their mother doing exactly that – relentlessly coaching Dylan, trying to drum into her that her father was a dangerous sexual predator. It seems to have worked – and, sadly, I’m sure Dylan truly believes what she says.

But even though the Farrow family is cynically using the opportunity afforded by the Time’s Up movement to repeat this discredited allegation, that doesn’t make it any more true today than it was in the past. I never molested my daughter – as all investigations concluded a quarter of a century ago.”