Megyn Kelly Curiously Absent From ‘Today’ Following Jane Fonda Attack

Megyn Kelly made headlines yesterday by reigniting her beef with Jane Fonda, and many curious viewers tuned in to the 9 a.m. hour of Megyn Kelly Today this morning hoping to see the next volley in their war of words. However, instead of airing a new episode in front of a live studio audience, NBC aired a pre-taped episode of Megyn Kelly Today about the sex trafficking epidemic. According to the Daily Mail, NBC execs had decided to pre-tape the sex trafficking expose last week, but the timing seems fishy considering how much attention Kelly received just yesterday for her out-of-the-blue attack on actress “Hanoi Jane” Fonda.

At the end of yesterday’s broadcast, Kelly brought up Fonda’s 1972 trip to Vietnam and insisted that the actress “called our POWs hypocrites and liars and referred to their torture as ‘understandable.'” In the 24 hours since, Kelly has received major heat for her monologue, even from her fellow news anchors. Today on The View, guest host Ann Curry described Kelly’s words as plain “meanness” and explained that “journalists are not supposed to be the story… we’re supposed to be humble.”

Of course, sex trafficking is a very important issue, but why not face your critics and own up to your words, or, if you’re so concerned with “women empowering women,” why not talk about the first female Best Cinematography nominee in the history of the Academy Awards? The Oscar nominations had come out just minutes before Kelly’s segment aired, so booking a nominee–or even discussing the men who weren’t nominated because of sexual assault allegations, like Kevin Spacey or James Franco–seems like an easy way to grab viewers.

Whether or not today’s episode was really scheduled to be pre-taped, hopefully Megyn Kelly Today will be back live again tomorrow, and we’ll finally get an explanation from the headline-grabbing host.

RELATED: Megyn Kelly Escalates Her War Against “Hanoi Jane” Fonda