Megyn Kelly Lashes Out At Grammys For “Sexist” ‘Fire and Fury’ Reading

The playful reading of Michael Wolff’s controversial book Fire and Fury may have elicited some laughs from viewers at last night’s Grammy Awards, but Megyn Kelly wasn’t one them. Appearing on her show Megyn Kelly Today this morning, Kelly sat down with Melissa Rivers and Rolling Stone’s Joe Levy to discuss all the buzziest moments from the proceedings, and Kelly was not thrilled about the political tone that seemed to thread the entire evening.

In particular, Kelly found the reading of Fire and Fury to be offensive not because of its Trump-trolling nature, but because she believed it was a sexist jab at U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, who also took issue with the segment and aired her grievances on Twitter:

While it’s more likely than anything that the sketch had nothing to do with Haley and everything to do with poking fun at Trump and the current political climate, Kelly used this as an opportunity to slam the folks behind the video for promoting a book with a “sexist smear” against Haley:

“[Michael Wolff] suggested that Nikki Haley slept her way to the top and that she’s having an affair with Donald Trump, completely unsupported… And she tweeted out, ‘That moment killed the Grammys. Don’t ruin great music with trash.’ If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a million times. Powerful women get dismissed as nuts or sluts. And what he said about her was a sexist smear, and there’s a question about whether we should have had people including Hillary Clinton reading from that book.”

It’s not that Kelly doesn’t have a point here – she does. Women are often branded as “nuts or sluts” on their way to the top, and sexism is certainly as rampant in Washington D.C. as it is in Hollywood. In this instance, however, it seems as though she’s looking for a fight to pick in the wrong place – and well, for Kelly, it wouldn’t be the first time.