Maisie Williams Says She Did NOT Reveal The ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Premiere Date

Watch what you say if you’re a Game of Thrones cast member, because it turns out everyone is listening, and with the culture so voracious for spoilers, set locations, even haircuts — anything that will reveal even a morsel about what lies in store for the 8th and final season of the HBO fantasy mega-hit, spilling any kind of beans is going to be a huge deal.

Such is the lesson for Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, original cast member and fan favorite. Last week, Williams appeared to have given a quote in Metro interview about filming time frames for season 8:

We wrap in December and we air our first episode in April [2019]. That’s a four-month turnaround for these huge episodes. There’s a lot that goes into the final edit. You would not want to rush this season at all. We owe it to our audience and our fans to really do this final season to the best of our abilities.

The April 2019 date isn’t exactly surprising or shocking — we already knew filming would take the show off the calendar for the whole of 2018. Spring 2019 seems like the logical perch for a season that only has six episodes. Set up for a May sweeps finale and all. But HBO likes to opt for maximum fanfare for any and all kernels of information they decide to release. Remember when they made us all watch a big block of ice melt on Facebook Live just so we could learn the premiere date for season 7? So you can imagine that Williams’s loose lips might have caused a panic at HBO HQ.

And so now, this tweet, wherein Maisie Williams, autonomous young adult, is saying that Metro was incorrect about her making that statement:

All previous seasons with the exception of 3 and 7 have begun airing in April, so it’s certainly plausible that her statement could have been from any other time. Either Metro really violated ethics or Williams is very clumsily backtracking.

Either way, HBO will probably genetically engineer a dragon and have it use its fiery dragon’s breath to scorch the premiere date onto George Washington’s forehead on Mount Rushmore when they deem the time is right.

Where to stream Game of Thrones