Jimmy Fallon Uses Adorable Puppies To Predict This Year’s Super Bowl Winner

Jimmy Fallon knows what the people want, and the people want to see puppies. Specifically, they want to see puppies predict things–like the 2016 and 2017 Kentucky Derby winner, as well as last year’s Super Bowl. Keeping with tradition, The Tonight Show once again corralled a pack of 11 pups and let their prognostication powers play out.

“Puppy Predictors: 2018 Super Bowl Edition” works like this: 11 puppies are sent scrambling to two bowls of kibble, each one marked with one of the two football teams going head to head in the Super Bowl. After a roll call of each puppy player by name, Fallon gave the dogs a pep talk and warned them against “whining, butt-sniffing, and colluding.”

And then there were off! Puppies on the charge! And, the dogs piled onto the New England Patriots bowl overwhelmingly, leaving the Philadelphia Eagles bowl nearly unattended.

But how accurate are the pups? Entertainment Weekly pointed out that they have a spotty track record so far: they have been off twice in the past, and only predicted one win (Broncos over the Panthers) that came to pass. This Sunday, we’ll see if the pups can even things up when it comes to their predictions–oh, and also, it’s the Super Bowl, so there’s more at stake than just the psychic reputation of 11 li’l dogs.

Where to stream The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon