James Corden and Jamie Dornan Do ‘50 Shades’ of Model Trains and Sex Up the Place

On last night’s Late Late Show with James Corden, Corden invited 50 Shades Freed star Jamie Dornan to have a little fun with a filmed segment that played on the kinky sexuality of the 50 Shades series and the inherent comedy in the notion of boys playing with toys.

Ever since the golden age of Hollywood, when sex had to be a lot less explicit on screen, trains have been used as metaphors for sex. The symbolism of the train going into the tunnel as a thinly-veiled stand-in for intercourse has been around for so long it’s become a visual gag. Hitchcock uses it in North By Northwest so overtly, it’s practically comedy:

So Corden and Dornan opting for train-play as a comedic stand-in for S&M sex is pretty classic, when you think about it. Corden gets to play the Christian Grey-esque role in this one, enticing Dornan into his play room, but making sure he knows he can leave at any time. And then … they enter the play room. And it’s trains. Because boys love to play with trains!

What follows involves costume play, master-servant fantasies, and a whole lot of innuendo. Is it the most original thing, to play on the notion of two guys having sex to elicit squealing laughter from your uncomfortable audience? Nope! But it seemed to give the CBS audience exactly the kind of comedy it was looking for.

Where to stream The Late Late Show with James Corden