Alex Garland’s FX Series Will Have A Sci-Fi Vibe Similar To ‘Ex Machina’

Alex Garland is getting ready to make his mark on television. The Annihilation director signed a deal with FX Productions last July to develop, write, and produce new television projects, and it appears he’s cracked the idea for his first series. Garland recently told Fandango (via The Playlist) that he’ll be going back to his more intimate science-fiction roots with his new series.

“It’s a sort of science fiction, but it’s a much more technology based science fiction whereas Annihilation is a more hallucinogenic form of sci fi and a more fantastical form of sci fi,” Garland said. “This is slightly more in common with projects I’ve worked on like Ex Machina or Never Let Me Go, which are taking something about our world now — not our world in the future, but our world as it is right now — and then drawing sort of inferences and conclusions from it.”

Ex Machina was Garland’s directorial debut and earned acclaim from critics and an Oscar for Best Visual Effects. Prior to directing, Garland wrote science-fiction scripts for Never Let Me Go, Sunshine, and 28 Days Later, among other projects. The director’s new film, Annihilation, marks his biggest effort to date thanks to its reported $55 million budget.

While fans may be excited to know Garland is going back to the smaller scale of Ex Machina, they shouldn’t fear his jump to studio filmmaking. The early buzz on Annihilation is extremely positive, with the first round of reactions calling it “brilliant,” “wickedly disturbing,” and “absolutely phenomenal.” Annihilation opens nationwide February 23.


Where to stream Ex Machina