Tommy Wiseau Wants Joaquin Phoenix’s Role In The Joker Origin Film

It has been reported that Joaquin Phoenix is in talks to play The Joker in Warner Bros. and Todd Phillips’ forthcoming yet-to-be-titled character origin movie, but it seems there is another interested party. The Room director and The Disaster Artist subject Tommy Wiseau asked Phillips to DM him on Twitter yesterday evening regarding the role. You can check out Wiseau’s tweet below.

According to Variety, Phillips seems pretty firm on Phoenix as the top choice to star and sources have even confirmed that Phoenix is on board. WB has yet to comment and negotiations are not yet underway.

For those who have enjoyed Jared Leto’s portrayal of the character in Suicide Squad, be not afraid, as the standalone WB film will not make any links to Leto’s version of the clown crime lord in the DC universe according to insiders, regardless of who is ultimately chosen for the role. Even Leonardo DiCaprio was rumored to have been the first person approached to star in Phillips’ standalone film, but that clearly isn’t the direction he’s going with it.

Phillips will co-write the movie with Scott Silver, as well as direct, and has reportedly been in talks with Phoenix since late last year, so things are not looking too promising for Tommy. Phoenix did, however, previously pass on playing both Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Disney-Marvel’s Doctor Strange, so maybe there’s hope after all.

As alluded to earlier, Leto will not be featured in this film, since the movie would fall under a yet-to-be-announced new banner of DC Comics that would give rise to a whole new set of original storylines. Sources are saying that Phillips’ story will take place in the ’80s and will take the form of a gritty crime drama, rather than your typical comic-book movie. Could Tommy handle the historically difficult role? Is he all talk? Will Joaquin Phoenix follow through with the role? We’ll just have to wait and see what WB decides.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor