Bill Maher Rips ‘Fragile’ Millennials In #MeToo Movement Debate

On the latest episode of Real Time, Bill Maher welcomed New York Times Opinion editor Bari Weiss on his program for what the host described as an “open-minded” conversation regarding the widening gap of how people speak about the #MeToo movement. Back in January, Weiss wrote an essay criticizing the viral Aziz Ansari article that the website Babe dot net published a little under a month ago.

During their wide-ranging conversation, the two spoke about the various concerns they have over the #MeToo movement.

“There’s a real debate happening between the hard left and liberals,” Weiss said. “The hard left is basically saying it’s okay if a few innocent men go down with the ship if that’s what it takes to bring down the patriarchy. They hate zero tolerance on the right when it comes to drug policy, but they love zero tolerance when it comes to sexual misconduct. That’s a problem because what it does is it collapses all the categories. It means that Aziz Ansari is on a list next to Harvey Weinstein.”

Maher, unsurprisingly, had some opinions on the subject as well, believing it’s a generational issue that has a lot to do with the “fragile” disposition of a certain subset of millennials.

“I don’t think it’s the majority of them,” Maher said. “I think it’s the upper-middle-class kids who grew up screaming at their parents and that was okay. And they are just so f*cking fragile, excuse me. I think of them as emotional hemophiliacs, and the rest of us have to be so careful around them.”

Continued Maher, “You can’t make anything 100% safe. A police state, they always say, is the safest place to live, but then you’re in a police state. We don’t want to do that with love.”

The conversation ended with Maher commenting that the millennial generation is “a little f*cking crazy.”

Where to stream Real Time with Bill Maher