Jimmy Kimmel Finally Solves The Case Of “Missing” ‘The Bachelor’ Contestant Bekah M.

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Almost two weeks ago, 22-year-old The Bachelor contestant Bekah Martinez made headlines after she popped up in the Humboldt County, California missing persons list, and the world (understandably) had a lot of questions — mainly because she was simultaneously appearing on TV. Her case of mistaken missing person identity was solved pretty quickly, though. And while Martinez made light of the situation on Instagram, it seemed as though we may never know the whole story of what really happened. Lucky for us, Jimmy Kimmel was on the case last night, gifting us with a revealing interview with Martinez following her elimination from The Bachelor.

After a quick recap of the night’s events, Martinez’s epic tears, and asking why a 22-year-old would go on the show instead of using Tinder, Kimmel poked fun at her mother’s statement that Martinez had gone to work on a marijuana farm. “Bekah, did you get those earrings on the marijuana farm?” he jested. After some laughs, he tried to get to the bottom of how she wound up on the missing persons list in the first place. “So what happened? Why were you on the missing persons list in Humboldt County?” Martinez then took a deep breath and “set the record straight”:

“First of all, a lot of people thought I lied to my mother, saying that I was ‘on a farm’ when I was actually on The Bachelor, but no, I had already been eliminated from the show, and I just decided to go up to the mountains with some friends for a couple weeks. I was there for six or seven days without phone service, which I thought I was going to have phone service, and I told my mother that I would.

I just had this weird feeling like on the sixth or seventh day, I need to go home now. So I got in my car, drove to where I had service, called my parents and then, yeah, come to find out, only 12 hours before my mother had called the Humboldt Sheriff’s Department saying that I was missing.”

“So you were not on a marijuana farm,” Kimmel clarified. “You were in the mountains.” Martinez played coy, but admitted her friends have a marijuana farm and that she had indeed visited.

There you have it, folks. A simple mountain vacation to get away from it all put Martinez on the missing persons list, but now she’s back in L.A. nannying (and don’t worry – her mother knows where she is).