Megyn Kelly Demands Lawmakers Give More Than Just “Absurd Lip Service” To Gun Violence

Following Wednesday’s horrific and tragic school shooting in South Florida, Megyn Kelly delivered an impassioned response calling out lawmakers that refuse to do anything of note and saying what a lot of people are thinking: this has to stop. Kelly followed that speech up with another one on her hour of Today, this one more direct and to-the-point than before: something, anything, has to be done, and it has to be done now.

“Those lost deserve to have something done,” she said to an outburst of applause. “Not just the absurd lip service usually paid by politicians in the wake of these tragedies. Not this time. Mental health reform, gun reform, school security, all of it. Everything must be on the table if we are actually sorry about what happened in Parkland”

The shooting in South Florida is one of the deadliest in U.S. history, with seventeen killed in the attack. Kelly showed the cover of the right-leaning New York Post, which calls on President Trump to act and for lawmakers to address gun control. “The New York Post!” shouted Kelly, incredulously. “Can we change? Can we? How many dead Americans, how many dead children must there be before we try?”

You can watch Kelly’s entire speech above.