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‘SNL’ Cast Evaluation: Alex Moffat Possesses The Greatest Range Of Any Male Cast Member

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It speaks to Alex Moffat‘s impressive range that the roles of Eric Trump and the Guy Who Just Bought a Boat on Saturday Night Live appear to come equally natural to him.

Moffat, who joined the show as a featured cast member at the beginning of last season, has shown a much-needed versatility, with the greatest range of the show’s current male cast. While most of the cast, now and throughout its history, play to a type, Moffat is hard to pin down.

When I first saw him play the Guy Who Just Bought a Boat on “Weekend Update,” the part seemed so organic to him that I assumed douchy, preppy characters would become his wheelhouse, positioning him as a natural heir to the sleazy rich kid James Spader perfected in the 80s. But when he developed his Eric Trump, an impression that could have easily gone the same way, he threw out the obvious character traits for a broad dumbing-down which became one of the highlights of the new season.

With six featured players in their first or second season and four veteran cast members in their sixth season or greater, the current SNL cast is transitional, a crossroads between one era ending and another on the way. Moffat promises to play a key role in whatever iteration of the show comes next.

Here’s a look at some of Moffat’s most notable characters.

'Guy Who Just Bought A Boat'

First Appearance: September 30, 2017

The Guy Who Just Bought a Boat couldn’t have a simpler premise. Preppy a guy up, good and douchy like, and have him speak in the most pretentious way possible. Then, for good measure, take the implied compensation his bragging indicates, and render it explicit. Seemingly modeled after the villain in every 80s teen comedy – I half expected Moffat to start explaining how he nailed the K-12 – Moffat, complete with Ray Bans and an Oxford, is insanely believable in this role.

The more you listen to his unbearably self-interested patter, the more it sounds like he’s been speaking this way his entire life. Creating his own language, joking without the humor, Moffat’s “Guy” spins a web of pseudo words intended to make him sound with-it and witty, coming off instead like a man who’s learned to amuse only himself. His first appearance last year, giving tips for Valentine’s Day, found him in full-on war strategy mode in his quest to wet his wick. He had the date all planned out, step by calculated step, in an effort to romance a woman not because he cared, but because his entire life had been dedicated to the art of the creepy seduction.

Dropping bastardized knowledge intertwined with his own unpleasant genital truth – talking of lighting candles to create a romantic mood, he says, “Chicks are like moths. They go crazy for flames. My junk sucks.” – he epitomizes the irrational, unearned confidence of those who were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.

Moffat’s cluelessness as the bullshit spews forth is perfectly played. What makes this character endlessly hilarious is the combination of his verbal dexterity and his unearned confidence, all delivered without malice, so we can view the character with just enough contempt to keep him funny.

'Eric Trump'

First Appearance: November 4, 2017

Moffat plays presidential second son Eric Trump not like a dumb adult, but as an infant who happened to grow to adult size and put on a suit. Playing the visual part right with his slicked back hair, Moffat’s Eric alternates from happy to cranky to tired depending on the stimuli before him. If only older brother Don Jr., played by Mikey Day, would whip out a set of keys, little Eric could be happy forever.

The routine’s structure finds Don Jr., usually at the Update desk, talking about some item of national importance. Eric, sitting next to him, either pays no attention, the clueless look on his face making it clear this will not be a dialogue, or even imitating Don Jr’s hand and body motions, like an alien learning how humans interact. Interrupting for some expression of primal need – I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m tired, etc. – Don Jr. keeps him occupied with candy or a toy, and Moffat plays it like a baby would, shifting moods instantaneously.

Then, invariably, Moffat’s Eric reveals a piece of information he shouldn’t, such as how his father was still participating in the family business, or how he worked closely with disgraced aide George Papadopoulos. While Day does most of the talking, all eyes are on Moffat, who proves to be as masterful at virtually silent characters as he is at playing verbally dextrous douchebags with boats. Eric’s discovery back in November that Fun Dip comes with flavored sugar (the video above) remains one of the funniest moments of the current season.

'Joe Scarborough'

First Appearance: May 6, 2017

Debuting at the end of last season, Moffat’s take on MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough, paired with Kate McKinnon’s Mika Brzezinski, brilliantly captured the quirks of the prominent engaged-to-be-married anchor couple, who shift between aggrieved confrontation and more caring deliberateness on a dime.

Scarborough has a commanding, straight-shooter persona, and Moffat captures it, oozing aggravation until his beloved Mika gives him a certain look. Then, Moffat and McKinnon’s comic exaggeration turns the anchors into an embarrassing PDA couple who horrify their guests. Moffat and McKinnon calibrate this perfectly, bringing to life the strangeness of a real-life news anchor couple trying, but not always succeeding, to maintain a professional veneer on the air.

'Chuck Schumer' / 'Al Franken'

Moffat’s Chuck Schumer, employing a deep nasal twang, appeared briefly during this season’s first sketch, but returned in November for a deeper dive. Unrecognizable, Moffat shrinks into the role, slouching as he addresses important national concerns. In a sketch intended to demonstrate how out of touch the Democrats can be, Moffat embodies tragic unhipness, as his Schumer tries to convey a sense of hope while instead making clear how the party is practically preserved in amber.

Moffat’s take on then-Senator Al Franken on “Weekend Update” was equally impressive. Unfortunately, Franken’s recent resignation will probably leave this a one-shot deal.

Larry Getlen is the author of the book Conversations with Carlin. Follow him on Twitter at @larrygetlen.