Bill Hader Plays A Contract Killer And Wannabe Actor In Trailer For HBO Comedy ‘Barry’

Arnold Schwarzenegger saying, “But they were all bad” is a pretty high bar for funny hitmen to reach. Luckily, the new HBO series Barry has Bill Hader. And he doesn’t even need an accent.

Hader stars as a contract assassin who, after taking some classes with a local theater group, finds a second calling as a stage performer. His instructor? Naturally played by Henry Winkler, whose pause at the end of this first trailer is enough to tune into the show all by itself.

Barry also features a cast of seasoned comedy vets besides Winkler, including the ever-welcome Stephen Root as Barry’s mob go-between, alongside Sarah Goldberg, Glenn Fleshler, and Anthony Carrigan.

Hader is an executive producer on the series, along with Silicon Valley showrunner Alec Berg. (The series debuts right after Silicon Valley Season 5 premieres as part of the HBO spring Sunday night comedy block.) Hader will also be behind the camera for a handful of Barry Season 1 episodes.

If this season ends without Barry and his classmates actually doing Assassins, it’ll be a giant missed opportunity. (Hader would definitely be a great Balladeer, right?)

Anyway, watch the full trailer (including a very ominous and scary glass punch) above.

Barry premieres March 25 at 10:30 p.m. ET on HBO.

Where to stream Barry