Meghan McCain Fires Back At Donald Trump’s Scathing CPAC Attack On Her Father

Forget the feud between The View‘s Joy Behar and Meghan McCain. It looks like the McCain family has bigger fish to fry with President Donald Trump.

After learning that Trump used his CPAC speech earlier today to slam her father, Senator John McCain, Meghan McCain announced that her mother, Cindy McCain, will co-host The View on Wednesday and the two would address Trump’s comments together.

“President Trump took some pot shots at my father and got the crowd at CPAC to boo him. My mother is coming on Wednesday. Both of us will address his comments together and we’re going to talk about what it’s like to have this continue to happen as a family while my father battles brain cancer,” McCain said.

Joy Behar then joked, almost in a measure of solidarity, that the McCain family is in “good company” since she was “jeered” at CPAC, too.

President Trump’s specific slam came as he was explaining to the conservative crowd at CPAC that Congress would have dismantled the Affordable Care Act last year had it not been for McCain’s dissenting vote. Trump said, “Remember: one person walked into a room when he was supposed to go this way, and he said he was going this way, and he walked in and he went this way — [mimes giving the thumbs down] —  and everyone said, ‘What happened? What’s that all about?’ Boy oh boy, who was that? I don’t know. I don’t want to be controversial so I won’t use his name. What a mess!” The audience in attendance booed in response.