Stephen Colbert Laughs At Marco Rubio’s Gun Violence Town Hall Remarks: “That Is A Guy Who Cannot Read The Room”

Stephen Colbert wasn’t so impressed as other TV talent that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio showed up for CNN’s town hall on school gun violence Wednesday night.

“Just showing up isn’t that impressive; he works for those people,” Colbert said of the event, attended by about 7K people, including survivors and parents of  victims of last week’s mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Colbert said Rubio – aka “man who just received his cash from the NRA”  – was the real star of the contentious event, though the crowd “wasn’t exactly with” the senator, in a master stroke of understatement.

At one point, Rubio explained to the crowd the peril of banning semi-automatic weapons.

Talking them through the loopholes, Rubio warned, “once you start looking… you would literally have to ban every semi-automatic rifle that’s sold in America.”

The audience erupted in applause. This surprised the senator, who responded, “Okay. Fair enough.”

“That is a guy who cannot read the room,” Colbert snarked, accurately.

“Now, look, we’d have to get rid of guns and then it’s a slippery slop to fewer dead people. Oh, you’d like that?” Colbert joked, pretending to be the senator.

Where to watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert