Did ‘The Simpsons’ Predict The Rogue Squirrel Incident At The 2018 Winter Olympics?

The Simpsons writer Josh Weinstein took to Twitter yesterday to point out that the show may have predicted the rogue squirrel incident that occurred at the 2018 Winter Olympics. While the aforementioned is not entirely accurate, the seemingly psychic show may have also predicted the US Curling Team’s recent gold medal win.

First, let’s talk about the squirrel. The furry creature, who ran onto the slope during Austrian snowboarder Daniela Ulbing‘s parallel giant slalom run, narrowly avoided a deadly collision with the athlete. You can watch a brief clip of the incident below.

Most likely joking around, The Simpsons writer posted an image of the rogue squirrel side-by-side with a still from the show’s “Mountain of Madness” episode, which aired on February 2, 1997. The caption simply reads ‘Simpsons predicted it.’


The reason why Weinstein was likely joking is that the episode is from the eighth season of the show, where Homer gets trapped in a cabin with Mr. Burns during an avalanche, on a team-building exercise in the mountains. The scene he’s referencing has nothing to do with snowboarding or the Olympics, hence the below Twitter user’s clarification:

While this particular reference doesn’t quite add up, ‘The Simpsons’ has in fact predicted a number of events to date, from rigged voting machines to Donald Trump succeeding in winning the election. In fact, the show did actually predict one 2018 Winter Olympics feat.

In a 2010 episode titled “Boy Meets Curl,” the show also predicted the USA curling team’s recent gold medal win against Sweden in the finals. Airing on February 14, 2010, the episode centers on Marge and Homer who end up competing in the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, taking home the gold.

Writer Rob LaZebnik tweeted: ‘Congrats to @USACurling2018 on their gold! Not the first time the US beat Sweden, though. Marge and Homer did it eight years ago.’ You can read his tweet below:

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor