Is ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Leaving ABC Along With Shonda Rhimes?

Netflix’s history is one filled with story after story of the streaming service disrupting the television and movie industries, but this year, Netflix is going to change the face of television in a major way. In the coming months Shonda Rhimes — the creator so such beloved shows as Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder —will be leaving her longtime home of ABC for Netflix. It’s an exciting deal for Netflix as well as a likely nerve-wrecking one for ABC. But what does it mean for fans of Rhimes’ favorite shows?

Because the creator has so many beloved shows currently on the air, fans are likely wondering how this move will effect Grey’s Anatomy and other Shondaland shows. Is every show moving over to Netflix? Will there be more new episodes of Grey’s? And what’s the deal with that spin-off series? Here’s how we know (and think) Rhimes’ Netflix move will affect her shows.

Is Grey’s Anatomy leaving ABC to go to Netflix?

That’s a big no. The series will remain on ABC where it’s been for the past 14 seasons. The same is true of Rhimes’ other ABC shows — Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder as well as the upcoming For the People and the Grey’s spin-off series Station 19. All will remain on ABC, and at the moment, Netflix has most episodes of Grey’s, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder currently on its platform.

Will there be more new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy?

Yes. New episodes premiere on March 15, and  based on its popularity, it’s likely the series will be renewed for a Season 15.

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Will Rhimes be involved in creating those new episodes?

Yes. As the creator and ABC’s president Channing Dungey  explained during TCA’s winter 2018 tour, Rhimes and her Shondaland production company will work on all new episodes of ABC’s five Rhimes shows for the network. However, all new properties and shows will go directly to Netflix.

Will Station 19, the Grey’s spin-off series, be on Netflix or ABC?

That’s an ABC show. At the moment, Station 19 is the only currently-running Rhimes spin-off series set to premiere in the near future. If the creator wants to make another spin-off series during her four-year contract with Netflix, that’s where things will get complicated. Netflix doesn’t own the production rights to Rhimes’ past shows, so the creator would have to work something out with ABC and Netflix.

When will we get a Shonda Rhimes Netflix Original?

We don’t know, but it will likely take some time.

Where to stream Grey's Anatomy