Late Night Savaged Trump Last Night For Claiming He Would ‘Run’ Into Florida School During Shooting

Some news stories make you wonder why, why is this happening? Anyway, yesterday the leader of the free world Donald Trump said, “I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon” in reference to the Parkland school shooting. The hosts of late night television responded with exactly as much sass as you would expect.

Trump made these comments in response to the news that while the Parkland shooting was happening, an armed deputy stayed outside of the school and did nothing. For many, this story was another example of how preventable and horrific Parkland ultimately was.

Trevor Noah used the story to criticize Fox News’ coverage of the shootings, pointing to how quickly anchors blamed this armed officer rather than the prevalence of guns. He then turned his attention to Trump and his claim that he would “run in there.” “Really? That guy? That guy was gonna run in and stop a school shooter?” asked Noah. “Get the fuck out of here, man.”

Noah then played the now well-known clip of that time Trump was attacked by an eagle. The Daily Show concluded his segment by playing a clip from Trump, detailing the time he was grossed out after a Mar-A-Lago guest hit his head and seriously injured himself.

For his part, Stephen Colbert focused first on Trump’s athletic ability. “OK There’s a lot in there that I doubt, but the part I really don’t believe is that he can run,” Colbert joked.

Colbert then reminded his audience that Trump avoided military service during the Vietnam War. “Look, sir, we already know how you react to combat situations,” he said. “You got five deferments from Vietnam. What are you gonna do, run in there and stab ’em with your bone spurs?”

However, it was Seth Meyers that summed up the president’s frustrating statements the best. The late night host also started with an exercise joke, saying, “Forget running into a school to confront a shooter, I don’t believe you’d run anywhere, period. You can’t even be bothered to walk down a flight of stairs.”

“There’s really nothing worse than a fake tough guy,” Meyers added. You can watch the mockery of not one, not two, but three late night hosts above.

Where to stream The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Where to stream The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Where to stream Late Night with Seth Meyers