Netflix Is Bigger Than McDonald’s – And Disney Is Next

With Disney’s streaming service on the horizon, Netflix will almost definitely say goodbye to Disney, Marvel, and Lucasfilm content before we know it. At the rate Netflix is growing, however, it might not even matter. The streaming platform has been on something of a high since they exceeded expectations with subscriber growth back in Q4 of 2017, adding another 8.33 million users around the world. With stock up some 42% since then and their worth around $140 billion, Netflix has become one of the most valuable companies in the market.

The platform has long been worth more than CBS and Viacom, and in 2017, it surpassed Time Warner in market value. This new development puts them ahead of McDonald’s and General Electric, and they may very well be hot on the tails of Disney and Comcast. According to Recode, as of March, Disney boasts a market value of $156.1 billion – only some $16 billion more than Netflix.

While other companies watch their growth plummet or plateau, Netflix only seems to be getting bigger and bigger. With some 700 original movies and shows in the pipeline for this year alone, it’s likely they’ll continue to grow their subscriber base and generate more revenue from their in-house content. The loss of Disney titles and Marvel flicks may be a temporary blow, but we have a feeling they’ll bounce back.