‘Black Panther’ Star Michael B. Jordan Pledges to Use Inclusion Riders on All Future Projects

Frances McDormand made headlines on Sunday night with an Oscar speech that, among other things, put the call out for those in positions of power to require an “inclusion rider” in their contracts. An inclusion rider, for anybody who raced to Google Sunday night (or read an explainer Monday morning) is a stipulation in a contract that requires the production to maintain a 50% diversity rate in hiring.

One performer who was listening to McDormand’s speech was actor Michael B. Jordan, who took to Instagram yesterday to pledge that his production company, Outlier Society, would be using inclusion riders on all their upcoming projects.

“In support of the women & men who are leading this fight,” the post reads, “I will be adopting the Inclusion Rider for all projects produced by my company Outlier Society. I’ve been privileged to work with powerful woman & persons of color throughout my career & it’s Outlier’s mission to continue to create for talented individuals going forward.”

Jordan is currently as powerful as he’s ever been in Hollywood, winning raves for his role as Killmonger in the mega-blockbuster Black Panther. So when it comes to recognizing one’s power and using it for good, Jordan is as gold as the leopard costume he wore in the film.