An O.J. Prosecutor Called Out Kanye West During Fox’s Controversial Interview Special

Fox’s controversial special O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession contained plenty of shocking revelations (here’s 13 of ’em!). It also kickstarted a potential feud between prosecutor Chris Darden and music superstar Kanye West.

During the special, Darden–who was part of a present-day panel commenting on the previously shelved interview from 2006–had some words for all those out there that have maintained Simpson’s innocence over the decades, including West. While Darden maintained that the families of the murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman had the right to be the most angry of all, he admitted that he’s also way  more than a little ticked off at how many people took O.J.’s side despite the evidence and the football-star-turned-accused-murderer tiptoeing around a straight-up confession.

In regards to West, Darden pointed out a “Free O.J.” shirt West was spotted wearing a few years ago, in 2016. That shirt’s message did not sit right with the man that prosecuted Simpson, who was not convicted of the murder during the trial-of-the-century. Of West, Darden said: “You freed him … and look at what you freed.”

That moment, wherein a prominent attorney took Kanye West to task for a t-shirt he wore, was actually not the most insane moment of the two-hour interview. Be sure to check out our list of the most outrageous moments from the interview right here.

(via TMZ)

Where to watch O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession