Alec Baldwin Roasts Trump’s ‘SNL’ Tweets: ‘Nobody’s Actually Forced To Watch’

Alec Baldwin hasn’t been shy about expressing his opinion on Donald Trump. Conversely, Donald Trump hasn’t exactly been timid about voicing his displeasure regarding Baldwin’s portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live. The back and forth between the two has led to, you guessed it, yet another TWITTER WAR.

Trump lashed out at the actor on the social media site after Baldwin was quoted as saying that portraying Trump on the late night comedy series was “agony.”

“Alec Baldwin, whose dying mediocre career was saved by his terrible impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing me was agony,” Trump tweeted. “Alec, it was agony for those who were forced to watch. Bring back Darrell Hammond, funnier and a far greater talent.”

Baldwin naturally responded on Twitter, but he also took the opportunity to fire back at the president during a recent appearance on The Tonight Show. His rebuttal? Well, they say a picture is worth 1,000 words.

Photo: NBC

Baldwin’s actual response was interesting too.

“The interesting thing is nobody’s actually forced to watch,” the actor told Jimmy. “I found that out. We don’t force anyone to watch. Trump forces people to listen to him, I guess we call them government employees.”

Baldwin, who also noted that portraying Trump can get “exhausting after a while,” then dusted off his impersonation of Donald while he wondered aloud how Trump finds the time to send so many tweets.

“Does he get alerts? Like is he in the middle of a session with North Korean diplomats talking about nuclear weapons and is like, ‘Hold on a second please. Alec Baldwin…loser!”

We’re sure the war of words between these two is far from over.

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