Was That Paul Rust’s Actual Testicle You Saw In ‘Love’?

There was a time when networks used to blush at using the s-word. Now thanks to the wild west of streaming and premium cable just about anything goes as long as creators can justify it. Want to see a guy’s package fully on display? Look not further than Easy. Interested in a premium-cable-approved threesome? Insecure has your back. What about a grown man crawling through a corpse’s rectum? Very weird, but Ash vs. the Evil Dead knows your heart. This past weekend, Love became the most recent show to join this dirty and exclusive club, and it was all thanks to one ball. (NSFW image ahead)

“Winners and Losers”, the second episode of Love‘s third and final season, opens on an idyllic scene. As Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) lounges in bed, Gus (Paul Rust) stands across from her, chatting about their day. That’s when he casually flips one of his testicles out of his underwear and asks her to look.

Rust explained how that chill ball-flipping scene came to be during a recent interview with Decider. “Yeah, we were trying to think of just something that couples do who’ve been together, and you feel free enough with your body to pull your ball out to make them laugh,” Rust said.

Photo: Netflix

Though it certainly looks realistic, the brief testes shot is actually a prosthetic. “It was a little disgusting to have to look at plastic ball sack with sewn in hair,” he said.

“My parents were out visiting a couple of months ago, and I had to break the news to them,” Rust joked. “But then I actually showed them a picture of the prosthetic, so they could rest assured that they’re not looking at their son’s actual body.”

However, the most shocking thing Rust revealed had nothing to do with how gross the prosthetic’s hair is or how parents may have reacted to seeing their child naked on Netflix. It had to do with the order of Love‘s third season. “We actually flip flopped the episodes. The one that’s second was originally going to go first, and after we were all done we were like it would be really fun to start the season with [the episode that’s first now],” Rust said. “We just flip flopped it. But that would have meant that the very first thing was me pulling my ball.”

“It was right to flip them,” he added.

Never forget — the beginning of the end for Love almost started with casually exposed genitalia. There’s something grossly poetic about that.

Stream Love on Netflix