Stormy Daniels’ 60 Minutes Interview May Allege She Was “Physically Threatened”

We may finally have an answer to one of the most pressing television questions of 2018: When will 60 Minutes air its interview with porn star Stormy Daniels? Now we finally may have an answer. CBS has tentatively scheduled its special on the woman who allegedly had an affair with President Donald Trump next Sunday, March 25.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims that the affair began at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006. Earlier this month, Clifford posed for a photo with Anderson Cooper, which her attorney shared on social media. Clifford originally consented to a nondisclosure agreement in exchange for $130,000. The adult film star has since gone to court to have the order lifted on the basis that because it doesn’t have Trump’s signature, it’s invalid. BuzzFeed has since reported that lawyers for Trump have been weighing possible legal action against Clifford and CBS to stop the segment from airing.

Now it seems as though Trump’s team has another reason why they may want to stop the interview from airing. Clifford’s lawyer Michael Avenatti has now told Morning Joe that his client was “physically threatened.”

“There’s the act, and there’s the cover-up, and the American people are going to learn about both in the interview and beyond,” he said. “I think it will become apparent to people when they tune in to 60 minutes on March 25 as to the details related to the threat, and the American people can judge for themselves on who’s telling the truth and who’s not telling the truth.”

Though Avenatti refused to tease anything else aside from the 60 Minutes premiere date, he did explain what the point of the special was. “We want both sides to lay out their version of the facts so that the American people themselves can decide what happened.”

Trump’s legal team still hasn’t made any moves against the special, Clifford, or CBS, though if they do, it’s possible the special will be delayed. In an article in the Washington Post, CBS declined to comment on whether or not it made any legal arrangements with Clifford and declined to confirm or deny whether it’s seen any legal threats from Trump’s team. For the moment, we’ll just have to wait until March 25 to see how this all plays out.

Where to stream 60 Minutes