‘Friends’: The Top 23 Side Characters

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The six central characters on Friends -- Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joe -- were undoubtedly at the center of the show's success. But Friends simply wouldn't have been Friends without the galaxy of familiar, funny, and altogether strange characters that passed into and out of their lives. We picked out the 23 best side characters who ever passed through the Friends universe and ranked them. Some of these characters were frequently recurring faves, while others were only around for an episodes. But they all made their mark in one way or another.

Photos: Everett Collection, NBC ; Illustration: Dillen Phelps

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Janice (Maggie Wheeler)
1. Janice
Played by: Maggie Wheeler
# of episodes: 19
Oh. My. God. In fewer than 20 episodes, Janice made herself a fixture within the Friends universe. She was mostly hung up on Chandler (and sometimes it was Chandler who was hung up on her), though she also had a dalliance with Ross, plus a memorable episode where she tried to get Joey to not hate her. Maggie Wheeler's pitch-perfect annoying cadence that she created for Janice is nothing short of legendary, and you have to give her a ton of credit for taking a textbook annoying character and making her genuinely lovable, even if Chandler would rather move to Yemen than be with her.
Signature episode: "The One with All the Rugby"


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Dr. Richard Burke (Tom Selleck)
2. Dr. Richard Burke
Played by: Tom Selleck
# of episodes: 10
Richard is another character where you're surprised at the number of episodes he was in. Only ten, and that includes a two-parter where he returns as Chandler is preparing to propose to Monica. But the Richard-Monica relationship was a huge pillar of season 2, and before Chandler came around, he was easily the boyfriend of Monica's you hoped she'd end up with. Also, not for nothing, but Friends pretty much re-invigorated Tom Selleck's career, which is nice.
Signature episode: "The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies"

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Christina Pickles
3. Judy Geller
Played by: Christina Pickles
# of episodes: 20
Is there a more underrated comedic performer than Christina Pickles on Friends? The woman is an absolute sorceress with a punchline, and I'm not just saying that because she played the Sorceress in Masters of the Universe. Judy is as adept at making passive-aggressive jabs at Monica as she is dropping her jaw at various antics. And bless her for being mostly unable to mask her revulsion when Rachel made that awful trifle with beef and peas.
Signature episode: "The One Where Ross Got High"


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Gunther (James Michael Tyler)
4. Gunther
Played by: James Michael Tyler
# of episodes: 160
By FAR the MOST recurring of all the recurring Friends characters (the next-most frequent is Jack Geller at 21!), Gunther starts out as Rachel's boss at Central Perk but soon evolves into a kind of all-seeing specter, alternately rolling his eyes at the friends' bad behavior and longing after Rachel. His defining characteristic is always being right there. And even when he's not, like when Ross cheats with the girl at the copy place, it's Gunther who knows about it.
Signature episode: "The One the Morning After"

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Mr. Heckles (Larry Hankin)
5. Mr. Heckles
Played by: Larry Hankin
# of episodes: 5
It's wild that grumpy old Mr. Heckles was only on five episodes, considering he holds a place right alongside Ugly Naked Guy as the pops of domestic color around the gorgeous apartment lives the friends lead. Heckles lives downstairs and ostentatiously complains about the noise even when it's not so bad. He also occasionally tries to do more nefarious things like kidnap Ross's monkey. But the best Heckles episode is the one without him, where he dies and Chandler begins to relate to his life of loneliness. It's a rare poignant moment and a series highlight.
Signature episode: "The One Where the Monkey Gets Away"


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Eddie Menueck (Adam Goldberg)
6. Eddie Maonick
Played by: Adam Goldberg
# of episodes: 3
When Joey got too soap-opera successful to share an apartment anymore, he moved out, and Chandler got Eddie, who seemed normal for about half of an episode. The gag seemed to be that Eddie was nothing like Joey and didn't do the fun Joey things like watch Baywatch and play foosball. But then Eddie got weirder and more threatening, and pretty soon became one of those roommates from hell that you occasionally hear about. Just whatever you do, don't eat his goldfish! Crackers or otherwise!
Signature episode: "The One Where Eddie Moves In"


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Susan Bunch (Jessica Hecht)
7. Susan Bunch
Played by: Jessica Hecht
# of episodes: 12
Carol was Ross's ex-wife, but it was Susan who got to have all the fun of making Ross squirm with discomfort over his ex's lesbian relationship. Should Susan have been a bit more abashed about stealing a man's wife? Sure. But who could resist poking at Ross for all his whimpery poor-me reactions? Deliciously mean Susan was the strong gay character this show needed, and we deeply regret that she was never around to repeatedly puncture all of Chandler and Joey's gay panic as well.
Signature episode: "The One with the Birth"

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Susie Moss (Julia Roberts)
8. Susie Moss
Played by: Julia Roberts
# of episodes: 1
The star-studded post-Super Bowl episode of Friends had no bigger star than Roberts, who was slotted into Chandler's storyline as a possible love interest. Of course, it was too good to be true, and Susie Moss turned out to be the former Susie Underpants, out for revenge against Chandler, who had caused her no end of embarrassment in grade school.
Signature episode: "The One After the Super Bowl"


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Jack Geller (Elliott Gould)
9. Jack Geller
Played by: Elliott Gould
# of episodes: 21
Ross and Monica's oft-befuddled father is never the quickest to catch on, but he's also good for some huge laughs. With comedy veteran Elliott Gould in the role, it's no surprise. Of the Geller parents, Jack is the nicer one, though he's still kind of backhandedly mean to Monica and has moments of outwardly hating poor Chandler. Still, he's got it together enough for Phoebe to start having sex dreams about him, so that's something.
Signature episode: "The One with Two Parts"

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Frank Buffay Jr. (Giovanni Ribisi)
10. Frank Buffay Jr.
Played by: Giovanni Ribisi
# of episodes: 9
Phoebe's weird little brother certainly went on quite the journey over the years. From lighting random objects in her apartment on fire to asking her for the use of her uterus so he and his new wife could have a baby. Frank Jr. is deeply bizarre but also kind of the perfect brother for Phoebe, and he was the catalyst for her pregnancy storyline, which remains an all-time best.
Signature episode: "The One with Phoebe's Uterus"

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Estelle Leonard (June Gable)
11. Estelle Leonard
Played by: June Gable
# of episodes: 11
Calling Estelle Joey's "long-suffering" agent wouldn't quite be right. Estelle never looked overly bothered by anything. In fact, it was Joey who seemed to suffer the most under Estelle's capricious management. (Remember when she'd been badmouthing Joey all over town because she mistakenly thought he'd left her?) A hugely broad vision of a Hollywood talent agent, Estelle was a reliable source of laughs on the subject of Joey's ridiculous career.
Signature episode:


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Kim Clozzi (Joanna Gleason)
12. Kim Clozzi
Played by: Joanna Gleason
# of episodes: 2
Rachel's intimidating boss at Ralph Lauren, Kim only appeared in two episodes, but she was a damned icon in both of them. There was the one where Phoebe says she slept with Ralph Lauren (it was really Kenny the copy guy) and Kim gets high on the fumes of office gossip. And then she also got high on the fumes of sweet, sweet nicotine, and she and another employee sequestered themselves from Rachel on the smoking patio. Played by the excellent Tony-winning actress Joanna Gleason, Kim was a massively underrated Friends boss and should have stuck around for a lot more.
Signature episode: "The One Where Rachel Smokes"


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Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd)
14. Mike Hannigan
Played by: Paul Rudd
# of episodes: 18
Years after Ross-and-Rachel and Chandler-and-Monica, Phoebe finally got to have her one true thing in season 9 with the introduction of Mike. Played perfectly by Rudd, Mike is perfectly down for Phoebe's weirdness, mostly because he's kind of weird himself. His best moments come from the awkwardness that arises when he introduces Phoebe to his wealthy parents.
Signature episode: "The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song"

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David (Hank Azaria)
13. David
Played by: Hank Azaria
# of episodes: 5
Phoebe's other major love interest, science-guy David fell in love with Phoebe in season 1, only to have to leave her for an extended science experiment in Minsk. David would come back a few more times, seemingly as the one guy made for Phoebe, but he was eventually bested by Mike.
Signature episode: "The One with the Monkey"

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Dr. Leonard Green (Ron Liebman)
15. Dr. Leonard Green
Played by: Ron Leibman
# of episodes: 4
Rachel's boat-enthusiast father has pretty much all the trappings of a Long Island rich jerk. He's a doctor, he owns that aforementioned boat, he spoils his daughters to the point where they can't really function as adults, and he divorces his wife late in life. But easily the best thing about Dr. Green is how much he simply loathes Ross, in all contexts. Just a series of withering stares and flinty put-downs.
Signature episode: "The One with the Two Parties"

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Melissa Warburton (Winona Ryder)
16. Melissa Warburton
Played by: Winona Ryder
# of episodes: 1
Just one episode but surely a memorable one. Melissa was Rachel's old sorority sister who Rachel remembers kissing on one drunken night. Melissa at first doesn't remember a thing about what Rachel is talking about, but the gag is that she does, and she's been obsessing about Rachel for years. It's a little more weird Friends gay panic for your nerves, but Ryder and Aniston play it so well. There is one line delivery that Ryder nails so hard ("...I'm a party planner"), it might be the best work of her adult career.
Signature episode: "The One with Rachel's Big Kiss"

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Emily Waltham (Helen Baxendale)
17. Emily Waltham
Played by: Helen Baxendale
# of episodes: 14
Very strong showing by the season 4 guest stars, in particular Helen Baxendale, who pulled off the impossible: she got fans rooting for Ross to end up with someone who wasn't Rachel. Not all of them, sure, but enough of them that the big London wedding was such a huge event, and that Rachel crashing it (and Ross saying her name) was a genuine shock.
Signature episode: "The One with All the Rugby"

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Kathy (Paget Brewster)
18. Kathy
Played by: Paget Brewster
# of episodes: 6
Kathy is best known as the woman who came between best buds Chandler and Joey. Kathy was an actress who had started dating Joey, but it was Chandler who quickly fell for her. Their chemistry was undeniable, and Chandler ended up betraying his friend for her, but the relationship couldn't hold itself together. It ended after Chandler's paranoia over Kathy possibly cheating on him led to Kathy actually cheating on him.
Signature episode: "The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line"


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Joshua (Tate Donovan)
19. Joshua Burgin
Played by: Tate Donovan
# of episodes: 5
Donovan and Jennifer Aniston were romantically involved when he played the role of Joshua, a wealthy and handsome single dad who meets Rachel when she serves as his personal shopper at Bloomingdale's in season 4. Rachel's rebounding from Ross and starts freaking out when Ross and Emily get engaged, which led to quite a few instances of Rachel going overboard in her courtship.
Signature episode: "The One with the Fake Party"


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Charles Bing (Kathleen Turner)
20. Charles Bing / Helena Handbasket

Played by: Kathleen Turner
# of episodes: 3
This one gets bumped down the list a good bit because the Friends writers had zero idea how to write a drag queen / trans character; it wasn't even that it was offensive, just that it was massively clueless. But Kathleen Turner's performance is one worth savoring. The Oscar-nominated actress was perfectly in on the joke, leaning into her famously husky voice and commanding presence, and the result was fairly unforgettable.
Signature episode: "The One with Chandler's Dad"


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Steve (Jon Lovitz)
21. Steve
Played by: Jon Lovitz
# of episodes: 2
Well, smack my ass and call me Judy! You might not remember that Lovitz returned in season 9 playing the same character on a disastrous blind date with Rachel. But truly his real impact was made in the show's very first season, playing a restauranteur who Monica was trying to impress, only he showed up massively stoned, only wanting to fill up on munchies, and unable to stop repeating "tartlets."
Signature episode: "The One with the Stoned Guy"


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Andrea Waltham (Jennifer Saunders)
22. Andrea Waltham
Played by: Jennifer Saunders
# of episodes: 2
The towering comedic talent that is Jennifer Saunders crossed paths with the Friends universe when the gang (minus Phoebe) went to London for Ross's ill-fated wedding to Emily. Saunders played Emily's step-mum, semi-sloshed and permanently unimpressed with everything happening around her. Her incredulous reactions to Phoebe's urgent phone calls were a true delight.
Signature episode: "The One with Ross's Wedding: Part Two"


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Katie (Soleil Moon Frye)
23. Katie
Played by: Soleil Moon Frye
# of episodes: 1
To make this list on the strength of only one episode, you have to be memorable, and the once and forever Punky Brewster did just that when she showed up as Joey's new girlfriend. Katie was fun and devoted to Joey, and very enthusiastic. So enthusiastic that she is constantly pummeling Joey with her tiny little fists. How hard could those punches really be? Well according to Joey, those punches feel like "someone's hitting me with a very tiny but very real bat."
Signature episode: "The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey"