Are Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir Dating Or Not? Ellen DeGeneres Finds Out The Truth

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a month since the PyeongChang Winter Olympics ended and we fawned over Canadian duo Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir’s sexy, award-winning ice dancing routines, but here we are. After what feels like decades of wishing these two would just admit they’re dating already (they have denied it thus far), Ellen DeGeneres saw her chance to grill them about their crazy chemistry, and boy, did she take it.

Donning their shiny gold medals, Virtue and Moir sat down with DeGeneres, who wasted no time in finding out whether or not they were an item. “20 years skating together, and you have chemistry, obviously, and a lot of people are saying that there’s more than just chemistry there, that you’re a couple… I think you’ve heard that before,” said DeGeneres. “So, I mean, are you a couple?” she asked, as steamy photos of the duo on ice were projected on the screen behind them.

Virtue and Moir smiled and giggled at the query, exchanging glances, and Virtue launched into a heartfelt explanation:

“We are not, but you know, we always say that that’s a big compliment. Because what we portray on the ice is really important to us, and we love getting into character, we love telling a story, and a lot of the emotions we portray are universal themes that resonate with everyone. So the fact that people feel invested in our partnership is truly remarkable. I mean, we’ve spent 20 years working hard on this partnership, and a lot of trust, and mostly, in those moments when the music ended in PyeongChang, I just looked at Scott and I was so grateful to have lived the last 20 years by his side, and to share in that moment together.”

“So you’re a couple,” DeGeneres deadpanned, causing them to break out in laughter.

“If we were, we would announce it here,” Virtue responded. “This would be the place.” Moir did admit the two had dated as children, and that was the extent of it, but DeGeneres didn’t let them off that easy. By the end of their sit down, the duo was playing “The Definitely Not Dating Game”. (They unsurprisingly did very well).

These crazy Canadian kids may continue to deny they’re dating, but if the stolen glances and sly smiles in this interview alone have convinced us of ANYTHING, it’s that they are definitely a couple.