Playmate Karen McDougal Says Trump Compared Her to Daughter Ivanka: “He Said I Was Beautiful Like Her”

Last night, Anderson Cooper interviewed a woman who claims she had an affair with President Donald Trump, but it wasn’t Stormy Daniels. Karen McDougal, a former Playmate, went on Anderson Cooper 360 to talk about her alleged affair with Trump as well as her NDA.

According to McDougal’s account, their relationship lasted for 10 months between 2006 and 2007. They met when Trump was filming a scene for The Celebrity Apprentice at the Playboy Mansion, and she claims he would often take her to L.A. Before coming onto Cooper’s show, McDougal filed a suit against National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc. so that she could be released from her non-disclosure agreement. American Media Inc. is led by David J. Pecker, a friend of Trump’s, and McDougal claims the company paid her $150,000 to not discuss the affair.

“I just want the opportunity to set the record straight and move on with my life, free from this company, its executives, and its lawyers,” McDougal said in her lawsuit.

The former Playmate also claims that Trump didn’t keep the alleged affair secret, even taking her to met his family and friends. At one point, McDougal said she met Trump’s older children, which is when she said Trump compared her to his daughter Ivanka. “He said I was beautiful like her,” she said. “And, you know, ‘You’re a smart girl.’ There wasn’t a lot of comparing, but there was some. I heard a lot about her.”

She also claims that after their first sexual encounter, Trump attempted to give her money. “After we had been intimate, he tried to pay me, and I actually didn’t know how to take that,” she said.

Ultimately, McDougal says she was the one to end the alleged relationship, which she described as “loving.” She claims she ended things partially because of how guilty she felt about Melania Trump. “What can you say except I’m sorry?” she said when asked about the First Lady. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t want it done to me.”

McDougal is the second woman to publicly allege having an extramarital affair with President Trump during the same time period. The first was adult film star Stephanie Clifford, who goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels. McDougal and Daniels have even claim they both had extramarital relations with Trump at the same location — a Lake Tahoe golf championship.

According to CNN, The White House has said Trump denies the alleged affair.

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