‘Bachelor’ Arie Luyendyk’s April Fools’ Joke Somehow Made Twitter Hate Him Even More

The drama of the most recent, some would say excruciating, season of The Bachelor continues to unfold weeks after the dust settled on the most controversial finale ever. The latest stunt occurred on social media thanks to a truly ill-conceived April Fool’s joke. Just when you thought someone couldn’t be more hated…

To celebrate our annual April tradition of lying and elaborate trickery, Arie Luyendyk Jr. took to Twitter and posted a picture that got everyone up-in-arms. The image seemingly showed his fiancee Lauren Burnham’s baby bump and “revealed” that the couple were expecting their first child. Or, as Arie put it, they have a “bunny” in the oven. Because yesterday was also Easter. Get it? So many jokes at once!

An hour and a half later, though, the truth was revealed, and Arie went from being the most hated Bachelor ever to being… the most hated Bachelor ever. That actually didn’t change, but the hate got even more intense.

But not everyone thought the joke was funny. Okay, almost no one thought the joke was funny, especially those struggling with infertility. You don’t make pregnancy jokes on April Fool’s Day, it’s just really bad taste. Thus, the dragging began:

Arie replied to the controversy surrounding his joke with another joke, this one posted to his Instagram.

Nothing says “sorry if you were offended by my pregnancy prank” like taking a photo of a recipe. Arie truly knows how to win people over.

(via People)

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