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‘Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em: 5 Netflix Shows To Stream On 4/20

Today is Friday, April 20th and you know what that means: Happy National Lima Bean Respect day! That’s right, along with being the day famously known for puffing the magic dragon, 4/20 is also a jubilant celebration of… lima beans, aka the bottom of the barrel of the food pyramid, aka nature’s greatest mistake. I do not and will not respect lima beans on this or any other day — because one more time with feeling: they are disgusting — but I will assist you in celebrating 4/20!

The abundance of titles available to stream on Netflix can be overwhelming. Since the streaming site hosts roughly a billion titles, we thought we’d highlight five that will be sure to enhance your high. The laugh-out-loud animated comedy Big Mouth, stoner comedy Disjointed, and That ’70s Show are options, sure, but we decided to go with a mix of classic television shows and trippy docuseries that will do everything except harsh your buzz. Why? Because it’s 4/20, dammit! The one day a year we celebrate… pineapple upside-down cake?

Why? Just… why? There are way too many national days. Anyway, sit back, relax, smoke up, and enjoy these five 4/20 friendly shows on Netflix.


'Chill with Bob Ross'

Netflix's Chill with Bob Ross
Photo: PBS

Bob Ross takes zoning out to a whole new level. Ostensibly about the joy of painting, the series is really an unpredictable journey that captures the small pleasures of life. A guru of relaxation, Ross possesses the calm, singsong voice of an angel. His dulcet tone and meandering conversational style will put you at ease as he gradually constructs a picaresque landscape, while maybe, just maybe, dispensing some life-altering advice along the way.

Also, the series can be wonderfully random. In the middle of Episode 14, Ross is basically like, “Painting is awesome, but you know what else is cool? Owls. Here’s me hanging out with one!” Just look at the credits for that particular episode:

Photo: Netflix

Behind those piercing eyes lies the soul of a winged poet.

Stream Chill with Bob Ross on Netflix


'Planet Earth 2'

Few Hollywood dramas possess the genuine intrigue of one of the greatest rivalries ever caught on camera: iguana vs. snake. The ups! The downs! The heart-pumping, adrenaline-inducing twist and turns, it’s fun to watch sober and unbelievably trippy to watch while under the influence.

Once the action subsides, you can mellow out by following along with the comparatively light-hearted adventures of a crab utopia (weird but strangely soothing) and a raft of penguins gamely attempting to navigate the challenges of island life.

Stream Planet Earth 2 on Netflix



Photo: Everett Collection

The phrase “Let’s get high and watch Frasier” is irrefutably hilarious. Kelsey Grammer’s NBC sitcom works no matter your mindset, but there’s just something so inherently chill about the show’s blend of wry humor and zany antics. Droll and silly usually go together as well as tossed salad and scrambled eggs, but Seattle’s favorite talk radio host makes it work.

Related, The Office is also a can’t-miss stream, high or otherwise.

Stream Frasier on Netflix



Photo: Everett Collection

Just look at the above photo. It looks as though Neil deGrasse Tyson is bragging about catching a Black Hole that’s “this big.” My man is like a science-loving fisherman. You might not fully understand Cosmos — a series that explores the laws of nature and coordinates in space and time — when sober, but oddly enough it all makes sense when you watch it high.

Then you forget what you’ve learned. Such is life.

Not only is the content psychedelic, but the vibrant visuals and soothing storytelling will blow your mind.

Stream Cosmos on Netflix


'Star Trek:' "The Trouble with Tribbles"

Star Trek
Photo: Netflix

There are so many episodes of the original Star Trek that would make the perfect 4/20 stream, but the one I’m going to focus on is Season 2’s “The Trouble with Tribbles.” If you’ve never had seen this wonderfully bizarre, unintentionally hilarious episode, read the bonkers IMDB synopsis.

“To protect a space station with a vital grain shipment, Kirk must deal with Federation bureaucrats, a Klingon battle cruiser and a peddler who sells furry, purring, hungry little creatures as pets.”

Related, Black Mirror’s exceptional “USS Callister” will also get you where you’re looking to go.

Stream Star Trek on Netflix