Southern Charm: Cameran “Can’t Breathe” While Opening Craig’s Baby Present

Last night’s episode of Southern Charm gave us a peek into Cameran’s preparations for her child on the way, and one thing became crystal clear: Cam’s always been a mom. She’s been the mom of the Southern Charm rascals.

Really, is there another cast member that Patricia Altschul would ever go out of her way to plan a baby shower for? Sure, she wants to plan one for her son, Whitney, but judging by his interactions at Cam’s birthing exercise lesson, that shower is still a few years off.

Cam’s journey to motherhood is one that the show has followed for a while now, but last night’s episode made it as real as ever. She can do her squats with Whitney during the exercises and blink back a couple of tears with Chelsea during her ultrasound, but it was the present from pal Craig that really proved what a wonderful mother Cameran will be.

As she was opening presents, she unwrapped an adorable stuffed animal wearing a fancy poncho/bib, with Palmer (the baby’s name) embroidered on it in pink writing. It was quickly identified as Craig’s gift, and even though he was in another room having a tense conversation with Naomie, Cameran tried her best to hold back tears, about 50% sentimental and 50% laughter, when it was pointed out that the back of the bib contained Craig’s first attempt at embroidering the baby girl’s name. “Look, on the back is where he messed up,” Cam exclaimed with tears in her eyes. “I can’t breathe!”


The next part of the present was a bit more puzzling. “Craig, what the fuck is this?” she asked the entire party. “It was supposed to be a teddy bear, I think,” she gathered, while clutching the pieces that never quite came together.

But it was Cameran’s sincerity in the moment, the fact that she was so touched by a few scraps of fabric, and yes, ones that came packed with a lot of love, that makes her the ultimate sweetheart. She approached the interesting present from Craig, one that was filled with effort and positive intentions, the same way she will when Palmer brings home her future school art projects. Cameran is a true southern lady: the room knew the gift touched her heart, even as she did her best to hide her confusion.

Cameran’s been a matchmaker, an advice-giver, and a real-talker throughout her time on Southern Charm. She tells it like it is, but with a real amount of care, and when her pals need to hear it the most. She probably wasn’t expecting it would be a sewing project from Craig to finally reduce her to tears during her pregnancy, but the moment proved she’s more prepped for motherhood than she even knows.

Where to watch Southern Charm