Top 50 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters Of All-Time: Captain America, Jessica Jones & More

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Lead Top 50 MCU Art v2

Photos: Everett Collection ; Illustration: Dillen Phelps

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1 Steve Rogers

1. Captain America (Steve Rogers)

Performer: Chris Evans
Film Appearances: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Cameos: Thor: The Dark World (2013), Ant-Man (2015), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Captain America could have easily been a jingoistic bore, but thanks to the MCU, he is one of the most vibrant, heartbreaking, and inspiring heroes cinema has ever seen. Steve Rogers stands as the modern American equivalent of the white knight: a stalwart hero unbowed by adversity, and true to his moral compass--no matter what--to the bitter end.-Meghan O'Keefe
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2 Peggy Carter

2. Peggy Carter

Performer: Hayley Atwell
Film Appearances: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Ant-Man (2015)
Short Film Appearances: Agent Carter (2013)
TV Appearances: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014), Marvel's Agent Carter (2015-2016)

Perhaps one of the first truly well-rounded female characters in the MCU, Agent Peggy Carter set the bar high for intelligent, resourceful, and self-assured women on-screen. She's spunky, smart, and fights sexism on the front lines everywhere she goes, forced to prove herself despite the fact that she can outwit every other man in the room. Able to kick ass and melt hearts in equal measure, Peggy's humanity makes her simultaneously relatable and aspirational-maybe even Marvel's first real feminist hero. Plus, y'know, homegirl can put Captain America in his place.-Jade Budowski
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3 Peter Parker

3. Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Performer: Tom Holland
Film Appearances: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

We've gotten a lot of onscreen Spider-Men, but the MCU might have been the first place we got to see the real Peter Parker. Tom Holland plays him with an exuberance that matches his youth, and moreover, a wry wit that punctures through the darkness. His heroism isn't just about responsibility--it's about the joy of fighting for what's right.-MO
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4 Tony Stark

4. Iron Man (Tony Stark)

Performer: Robert Downey Jr.
Film Appearances: Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Cameos: The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Where would we be without the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist that started it all? Playing Tony Stark revitalized Robert Downey Jr.'s career, and it's safe to say that Downey Jr. did the same for the MCU. Iron Man set the tone for all the Marvel movies to come, and that's largely thanks to Tony's huge charisma. Armed with one-liners, iconic facial hair, and yes, a literal high-tech suit of armor, Tony Stark manages to make a *smarmy rich dude* likable, against all odds.-JB
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5 Shuri

5. Shuri

Performer: Letitia Wright
Film Appearances: Black Panther (2018)

All hail Shuri, Princess of Wakanda, sister of T'Challa, and all-around sassy science genius. The mischievous mastermind behind Wakanda's mind-blowingly innovative technology provides Black Panther with some of its best moments and Marvel with one of its most interesting characters in the process. She's driven, she's resilient, and she's confident as hell-with all she can do, why shouldn't she be? It's about time a brilliant black girl got credit for saving the world.-JB
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6 Loki

6. Loki

Performer: Tom Hiddleston
Film Appearances: Thor (2011), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Is it Tom Hiddleston's emo hair? His devilish grin? His propensity for turning the God of Mischief into a god of chaos and sending the world deeper into anarchy with every appearance? It's all of that, of course. But it's also how Loki is so fleshed out and sympathetic. Even as he's allowing an alien army to destroy New York, you know he's doing it because he'll never be as good as his brother, and he's just trying to prove himself however he can. Anyone who has ever felt second best (and that's all of us) knows we're one step away from being Loki.-Alex Zalben
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7 Jessica Jones

7. Jessica Jones

Performer: Krysten Ritter
TV Appearances: Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015, 2018), Marvel's The Defenders (2017)

So much of superhero storytelling has cast women as victims in need of a hero's salvation. Jessica Jones rejects this. In fact, Marvel's groundbreaking feminist superhero rejects all norms. She's pessimistic, sexual, vice-ridden, angry, and completely happy to shirk responsibility. In the end, she is a figure of deep catharsis. She inspires with her ability to always survive.-MO
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8 Thor

8. Thor

Performer: Chris Hemsworth
Film Appearances: Thor (2011), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Cameos: Doctor Strange (2016)

It should be illegal for a man as beautiful as Chris Hemsworth to also be so funny, yet here we are. From the first, highly underrated Thor movie, to his most recent appearance in the uproarious Thor: Rganarok, the son of Odin's struggle to do the right thing has been the most surprising journey in the MCU. From epically Shakespearean drama, to simple, human moments, Thor may be a god; but he's also arguably the most human Avenger.-AZ
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9 Erik Stevens

9. Erik Stevens (Killmonger)

Performer: Michael B. Jordan
Film Appearances: Black Panther (2018)

Erik Killmonger is one of the great MCU characters--and arguably the best villain from any of the films so far--because he's utterly fearsome while at the same time having a sympathetic backstory and challenging T'Challa's rule with some ideas that actually have some merit to them. Not the part about killing people and subjecting them all to Killmonger's rule, but, you know, baby steps.-Joe Reid
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10 Valkyrie

10. Valkyrie

Performer: Tessa Thompson
Film Appearances: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

When was the last time we got a hard-drinking, sword-wielding, witty woman of color on screen in the MCU? Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie was one of many pleasant surprises in Thor: Ragnarok, keeping dudes in check, doing things her way, and bringing a remarkable amount of depth to a woman who had essentially been to hell and back-and has the scars to prove it.-JB
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11 Natasha Romanoff

11. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)

Performer: Scarlett Johansson
Film Appearances: Iron Man 2 (2010), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)

For a character that's never gone solo, Natasha Romanoff has been given one of the most profound character arcs strung together by the MCU's collective masterminds. Initially a sexy femme fatale/super spy, Black Widow stepped out of the shadows and became a major player the instant she did the one thing she never thought she'd do: care. The Avengers was really Black Widow's origin story as she evolved from weapon to the hero rallying the Avengers to save New York City. Throughout her tenure as an Avenger, Natasha confronted her greatest fears, sacrificing privacy, love, and even her found family to do what's right. An ex-assassin is an odd choice for the team's voice of reason, but that's what this relentless woman has grown into naturally, tough call after tough call.-Brett White
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12 Okoye

12. Okoye

Performer: Danai Gurira
Film Appearances: Black Panther (2018)

Full confession time: I got choked up watching Okoye's incredible fight sequence in Black Panther. That's definitely because, as a Walking Dead fan, it was amazing to see Danai Gurira cut loose. But it also has to do with the character herself. Yes, everyone got arcs in the movie. But Okoye's choices were the beating heart of the film, and her decision to choose honor over duty was the most powerful moment in a movie full of them.-AZ
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13 James Bucky Barnes

13. Winter Soldier (James "Bucky" Barnes)

Performer: Sebastian Stan
Film Appearances: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Ant-Man (2015), Black Panther (2018)

Bucky has been through it. He started as a brave American soldier and best pal to Steve Rodgers. And then, as so often happens, he plunged into an icy abyss and was lost for decades to a sinister Hydra plot, coming back as the brainwashed Winter Soldier. Bucky is so compelling because of how hard he--and Steve--fought to come back from that abyss. That their bond of friendship was stronger than what Hydra threw at them. Avengers: Infinity War promises to be the first time we've seen an uncompromised Bucky in a long time.-JR
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14 Rocket

14. Rocket

Performer: Bradley Cooper
Film Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Sure, he's a crotchety space raccoon with a penchant for blowing stuff up, but Rocket is also arguably the heart of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket's irascible personality is just armor he wears to hide the broken soul within. It's his need for acceptance that defines the spirit that bonds this team of interstellar heroes together as a family.-MO
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15 Phil Coulson

15. Phil Coulson

Performer: Clark Gregg
Film Appearances: Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Marvel's The Avengers (2012)
Short Film Appearances: The Consultant (2011), A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer (2011)
TV Appearances: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013-2018)

With over 100 TV episodes and pretty much all of Marvel's Phase One movies on his resume, no other character has logged as many hours in the MCU as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson. It's fitting, too, as he was there at the very beginning, meekly trying to get Tony Stark's attention on behalf of something called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. But underneath that nondescript suit and cool dad shades beat not only the heart of the biggest superhero fanboy, but of a superhero. Fans were taken with Coulson's mixture of mild-mannered anti-bravado and "aw shucks" charm, making him the MCU's premier breakout character. And those devoted fans have followed him to the small screen, where they've seen him grow into a full-fledged badass (but one with the same disarming smile).-BW
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16 Hela

16. Hela

Performer: Cate Blanchett
Film Appearances: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Hela's the betrayed and forgotten daughter of Odin, a symbol of Asgardian conquest plastered over in an attempt to rewrite history. But while Hela's motives are deeply personal, they're not what makes this super villain sizzle. That would be Cate Blanchett's scenery-chewing performance, a tour de force of grand camp punctuated by razor-sharp smiles and gnarly snarls. Of every actor that's disappeared into a cumbersome costume for one of these villain roles, Blanchett is the one that is clearly having a ball while murdering every do-gooder in sight. She pure evil and pure entertainment.-BW
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17 Wilson Fisk

17. Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)

Performer: Vincent D'Onofrio
TV Appearances: Marvel's Daredevil (2015-2016)

If I had a nickel for every time I heard "Marvel has a villain problem," I'd also be as rich as the Kingpin. And speaking of which, Daredevil's main antagonist was brought to glorious life by Vincent D'Onofrio, a seething ball of unstoppable anger mixed with the canniest businessman in the MCU. Credit the one time the longer running time of the Marvel/Netflix shows seem like a bonus, because with Daredevil season 1 we truly got to see the beginning of a classic villain, one we understood, but could never agree with.-AZ
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18 Bruce Banner

18. Hulk (Bruce Banner)

Performer: Mark Ruffalo, Edward Norton
Film Appearances: The Incredible Hulk (2008), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Cameos: Iron Man 3 (2013)

The only character on our list to have been played by multiple actors within the MCU, Dr. Bruce Banner's inner conflict between brilliant scientist and uncontrollable green beast has been hugely compelling whether it was Edward Norton or Mark Ruffalo veering verdant in the role. Avengers-era Banner has been able to do more than fume, though; a romance with Natasha Romanoff and an outer space road adventure with Thor have given the green man some real humanity.-JR
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19 Matt Murdock

19. Daredevil (Matt Murdock)

Performer: Charlie Cox
TV Appearances: Marvel's Daredevil (2015-2016), Marvel's The Defenders (2017)

Daredevil is a superhero whose exploits needed to be televised. The Man Without Fear's defining characteristic, especially following Frank Miller's groundbreaking comic work in the '80s, is how relentlessly terrible Matt Murdock's life is. Instead of cramming all that drama into a melodramatic movie, the Netflix show nailed that sense of escalating paranoia and the claustrophobia of life's walls closing in, tighter and tighter with every bad decision (pissing off the Kingpin, trusting Elektra, just being a superhero). As the superhero with the absolute worst decision-making process and a terrible track record when it comes to maintaining relationships, Matt is a devil of a character to play. But Cox, able to swing from sweet to severe on a dime, does it, conveying DD's internal turmoil with heartbreaking sincerity.-BW
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20 Kevin Thompson

20. Kilgrave (Kevin Thompson)

Performer: David Tennant
TV Appearances: Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015, 2018)

Loki may be the typical go-to when the topic of "best villain" (and it's totally warranted), but David Tennant's Kilgrave offers up something so singularly chilling he may very well give Thor's brother a run for his money. With his mind control powers, Kilgrave perfectly embodies the real-life master manipulators we know all too well, giving his character an unsettling edge-and a strangely compelling electricity.-JB
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21 Sam Wilson

21. Falcon (Sam Wilson)

Performer: Anthony Mackie
Film Appearances: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Ant-Man (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Not everyone would look cool with giant mechanical wings. I'm pretty positive I wouldn't. But of course Anthony Mackie pulls it off as Falcon. He's a humorous and dependable pal to Captain America, and anytime he flies into a scene, you know there's fun ahead.-Lea Palmieri
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22 T’Challa

22. Black Panther (T'Challa)

Performer: Chadwick Boseman
Film Appearances: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Black Panther (2018)

Yes, he's an effervescent badass, but T'Challa is also the most utterly noble character in the Marvel universe. Like Steve Rogers, he's devoted to always doing what's morally right, but unlike any other hero, he is defined by his duty to Wakanda. For him, being Black Panther is not just a responsibility, but a calling. The mantle is what gives him meaning as a son, brother, hero, and king.-MO
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23 Scott Lang

23. Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Performer: Paul Rudd
Film Appearances: Ant-Man (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)

There's no reason that a movie about Marvel's size-shrinking hero Ant-Man should have worked, but a large part of why it did work is Paul Rudd's roguishly likable Scott Lang. He's not a great guy, not a very good dad, and not even a very good superhero. But like the best Marvel characters, he's trying to be better. In a movie about small things growing big, Lang's little moves towards heroism stand out.-AZ
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24 Vision

24. Vision

Performer: Paul Bettany
Film Appearances: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)

If you want to sum up just how ridiculous the Marvel Cinematic Universe is, you can point to any scene wherein Vision, a synthetic humanoid powered by Stark A.I. and a cosmic Infinity Stone, lounges about in an ascot and comfortable slacks. Yes, in the MCU, robots wear sweaters. But it's a testament to Bettany's haunting yet human performance that it works-and works well. The MCU method of pairing the most outlandish super-characters with the most resourceful actors pays off, and in the Vision's case, Paul Bettany makes you believe that an android can love and cry.-BW
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25 Adrian Toomes

25. Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

Performer: Michael Keaton
Film Appearances: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

For every Marvel Comics character that is faithfully recreated onscreen, there are just as many that diverge wildly from the source material. The thing about the MCU, though, is that all of those changes usually enhance the character. Take the Vulture, for example, a character scavenged and rebuilt by Michael Keaton into one of the most terrifying-and terrifyingly real-villains in the entire MCU. Looking at the comics, would you ever peg an 80-year-old man in a feather-trimmed green bird suit as being more intimidating than aliens, demons, or evil creatures? You wouldn't, and that's why his transformation in Keaton's hands into a straight-shooting family man, determined to provide no matter how much blood gets on his hands, is so thoroughly thrilling.-BW
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26 Daisy Johnson

26. Quake (Daisy Johnson)

Performer: Chloe Bennet
TV Appearances: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013-2018)

While Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) is the reason Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. exists, Chloe Bennet's Daisy Johnson is the show's beating heart. And beyond that, Johnson, who started as a hacker named Skye and slowly uncovered her identity as the vibrationally powered Quake, could stand toe to toe with any other hero in the MCU-and probably win. More than any other TV character, Quake deserves to be on the big screen; we're just lucky we get to see her every week on the small one.-AZ
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27 Korg

27. Korg

Performer: Taika Waititi
Film Appearances: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

If you left Thor: Ragnarok without being thoroughly enchanted by Korg, I question what's going on with you. This goodhearted warrior may be made of stone, but his heart is totally golden. Considering that Korg is not exactly a huggable figure, his adorableness is owed entirely to director Taika Waititi's totally Kiwi vocal performance. The shrugged off lines, the earnest vibe, the matter-of-fact delivery-Korg said the line "Oh my god, the hammer pulled you off?" and it was completely hilarious and not cringeworthy.-BW
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28 Groot

28. Groot

Performer: Vin Diesel
Film Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

The partner-in-crime of outspoken Rocket Raccoon, our favorite tree-friend has but three words to say, no matter the situation: "I am Groot." It may not look like there's a lot going on behind those eyes, but he's an undeniably reliable team player, willing to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the team (and gift us with an entirely-too-adorable Baby Groot in the process).-JB
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29 Claire Temple

29. Claire Temple

Performer: Rosario Dawson

TV Appearances: Marvel's Daredevil (2015-2016), Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015), Marvel's Luke Cage (2016), Marvel's Iron Fist (2017), Marvel's The Defenders (2017)

In Rosario Dawson's case, an eye-roll can say more than a million words. And as the general practitioner for seemingly every street-level superhero in Manhattan, Claire Temple is given plenty to roll her eyes at. But Claire does more than just groan and throw her hands up in the air. As a supporting player in nearly every Netflix series, Claire has maintained her "WTF" attitude while becoming a hero in her own right. The fearlessness that lets her put super-powered people in check also lets her chase down muggers and claw the hell out of evil ninjas. Claire's not a superhuman, but she's extraordinary.-BW
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30 Melinda May

30. Melinda May

Performer: Ming-Na Wen
TV Appearances: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013-2018)

The biggest bad-ass on the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. squad, Melinda May will get the job done and scowl at all your wise-cracking while she does it. Agent May has been through a lot, from doppelgangers to family drama to betrayal and back again, but she's always been the rock that we go back to. And if they ever do an all-female Avengers team, it would be criminal not to feature May on such a squad.-JR
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31 M’Baku

31. M'Baku

Performer: Winston Duke
Film Appearances: Black Panther (2018)

M'Baku is so cool. While the rest of Wakanda is busy being more technologically advanced than any civilization on the planet ever, M'Baku is like, "Screw all you nerds, I'm taking my people up to the mountains so we can look badass in fur capes and practice our intimidating gorilla barks at one another." And yet, rather than being purely isolationist, M'Baku will still show up to the coronation ritual just to cause a ruckus. And yet, without M'Baku, everybody in Wakanda would be living in Killmongerville right now, so let's show some respect. M'Baku is great.-JR
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32 Grandmaster

32. Grandmaster

Performer: Jeff Goldblum
Film Appearances: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

The Grandmaster owes much of his charisma to the fact that he is played by Jeff Goldblum, and let's be honest-Grandmaster is Jeff Goldblum, and that is why he is such a damn delight. Who else could pull off a stripe of metallic blue paint down their chin and that incredibly questionable hairstyle? Bizarrely demented as he may be, (A FIREWORK-EQUIPPED ORGY SHIP?!?) the Grandmaster is an unexpected gift to the MCU.-JB
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33 Wanda Maximoff

33. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

Performer: Elizabeth Olsen
Film Appearances: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Cameos: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Wanda Maximoff has one of the flat-out most compelling backstories of any of the Avengers. Parents killed by Stark Industries weapons in Sokovia. She and her brother tested like lab rats by Hydra. Recruited by Ultron. Gets horrified by Ultron's mission and makes the active choice to become a hero. And then her brother gets killed minutes into their heroics. More than any other Avenger, Wanda keeps having to choose to take action, and every time she does, it's genuinely moving. Plus she makes that magic red mist with her hands.-JR
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38 Pepper Potts

34. Pepper Potts

Performer: Gwyneth Paltrow
Film Appearances: Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

As the female lead of the very first MCU movie, Gwyneth Paltrow set the tone as Pepper Potts. Instead of making the love interest character an accessory to the leading man, Paltrow played verbal ping pong with Robert Downey Jr. in every scene, proving she would not be talked at or over. Potts was smart, capable, responsible, and forward-thinking-all traits that led her to take over a company named after someone else's family. And her arc from Tony's Girl Friday to an armored up ass-kicker in the Iron Man trilogy is one of the most rewarding ones Marvel has pulled off.-BW
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34 Nebula

35. Nebula

Performer: Karen Gillan
Film Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

While the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy are farting around, cracking jokes about each other and listening to trendy retro mix tapes, Nebula is busy figuring out how to be a person after her father replaced all her parts with steel and circuitry. Getting to hear Nebula and Gamora's terrifying childhood at the hands of Thanos is a huge turning point for the character, switching her from monomaniacal henchperson to damaged but determined unloved-sister. As much as we're rooting for her and Gamora to fight side-by-side, you also kind of want Nebula to get a win for once.-JR
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35 Nick Fury

36. Nick Fury

Performer: Samuel L. Jackson
Film Appearances: Iron Man 2 (2010), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Iron Man (2008), Thor (2011)
TV Appearances:
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013-2014)

A lot of fans point to Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) as the guy who opened up the Marvel Universe. That's not true. Samuel L. Jackson's Fury walked off the comic book page, out of the shadows, and with one simple phrase laid out the next ten years of our lives: "I'm here to talk about the Avengers Initiative." Fury has had his ups and downs, but he's always-and will always-be the cornerstone of the MCU. -AZ
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36 Peter Quill

37. Star-Lord (Peter Quill)

Performer: Chris Pratt
Film Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Remember when you were a kid and you'd play Star Wars in your backyard? Star-Lord is you doing your best (but still awful) Han Solo impression-and that is exactly why he's great. Pratt's affable attitude, that boundless big kid energy, it supercharges what could easily be a standard issue smarmy scoundrel and makes him surprisingly vulnerable. Because that's what Star-Lord is, essentially; he's a scared little boy who lost his mom and everything he loved. His journey to, well, "giving a shit" hits us in the heart because we're watching this man-child deal with his issues and become a man-a man with killer moves.-BW
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37 Stephen Strange

38. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)

Performer: Benedict Cumberbatch
Film Appearances: Doctor Strange (2016), Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

As part of Marvel's second wave of solo superheroes, Doctor Strange had to prove himself just as worthy of the spotlight as Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. Of course, that's why you cast Benedict Cumberbatch in the role, a man who conveys a universe of intent with a smirk or head tilt. As the physically wrecked ex-surgeon Stephen Strange, Cumberbatch took audiences on an emotional journey possibly more extreme than any other Marvel hero (Ant-Man's just always gonna be Ant-Man, y'know?). But the real sorcery of Doctor Strange was what Cumberbatch pulled off, creating a captivating take on a C-list hero, and making us believe in magic.-BW
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39 Frank Castle

39. The Punisher (Frank Castle)

Performer: Jon Bernthal
TV Appearances: Marvel's Daredevil (2016), Marvel's The Punisher (2017)

There are many ways that the MCU could have gotten the Punisher wrong. However, thanks to the emotional performance of Jon Bernthal, Netflix's take on the Punisher is nothing short of utterly devastating. He's more of a victim of his own mistakes than a hero.-MO
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40 Misty Knight

40. Misty Knight

Performer: Simone Missick
TV Appearances: Marvel's Luke Cage (2016), Marvel's The Defenders (2017)

In a universe full of gods and monsters, Misty Knight is the all-too-human hero we need. In Marvel's Luke Cage, she's irrepressibly charismatic and completely lovable. She dazzles with her confidence, swagger, intelligence, and earthy sensuality.-MO
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41 Luke Cage

41. Luke Cage

Performer: Mike Colter
TV Appearances: Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015), Marvel's Luke Cage (2016), Marvel's The Defenders (2017)

What Black Panther did for movie audiences, Marvel's Luke Cage did for TV watchers a few years earlier. As the first person of color to lead any MCU movie or show, Mike Colter's superhero came right when the world needed him most. A mountain of a man with a velvety voice, huggable as a teddy bear and cool as hell, Luke Cage adds heart and soul to every scene he's in, whether he's hooking up with Jessica Jones, inspiring the people of Harlem, or putting Iron Fist in his place. This performance is as bulletproof as Luke Cage himself.-BW
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42 Heimdall

42. Heimdall

Performer: Idris Elba
Film Appearances: Thor (2011), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

If you cast Idris Elba, you expand the part to match his gravitas. As Heimdall, Elba took a bit player from the comics and expanded his role, making the all-seeing Asgardian Thor's primary advisor and drinking buddy. Also when you cast Idris Elba, you let him deliver the action goods-which is what happened in Thor: Ragnarok when Heimdall single-handedly snuck hundreds (thousands?!) of refugees out from under Hela's thumb to safety while Thor palled around with Hulk on an alien planet. If you want a job done right, you go to Elba, and you go to Heimdall.-BW
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43 Nakia

43. Nakia

Performer: Lupita Nyong'o
Film Appearances: Black Panther (2018)

There is always room for more badass women in the Marvel Universe, and Black Panther gave us an army of them. But Nakia was unlike whizkid Shuri or the loyal Okoye and the Dora Milaje. She existed in the moral gray area as a spy, thriving in the shadows so she may protect the light. We even meet Nakia while on a mission-a mission that her boyfriend T'Challa totally botches for her! But that's alright, because after that mission goes south, Nakia practically runs away with his movie.-BW
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44 Cornell Stokes

44. Cottonmouth (Cornell Stokes)

Performer: Mahershala Ali
TV Appearances: Marvel's Luke Cage (2016)

Look, everything Mahershala Ali does is delicious. And as bad guy Cornell Stokes (aka Cottonmouth), he might not have been the initial reason you started watching Luke Cage, but he damn sure was the reason you stayed. He's the kind of evil you can't look away from, the character that sends a shiver down your spine with the twinkle in his eye because, let's face it, he's just a bit too good at being bad.-LP
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45 Nico Minoru

45. Nico Minoru

Performer: Lyrica Okano
TV Appearances: Marvel's Runaways (2017-2018)

Runaways' ties to the MCU may be tangential at best (why these kids get superpowers and never once mention all those other superheroes, who knows?), but that doesn't lessen the impact this goth hero made with fans. Other than Spider-Man on the big screen, the MCU is a thoroughly adult place; that's why a character like Nico, who embodies all the uncertainty and doubt of being a teen even more than her angsty peers, resonated. Nico's journey in Runaways is one of self discovery and empowerment as she turns against her criminal parents and forges a found family-BW
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46 Clint Barton

46. Hawkeye (Clint Barton)

Performer: Jeremy Renner
Film Appearances: Thor (2011), Marvel's The Avengers (2012), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016)

People give Hawkeye a hard time for being the Avenger without superpowers, overlooking the fact that being human is his superpower. He knows the stakes (they're back home waiting for him on his farm) and he feels the cost in every punch and every fall. That's what makes his presence on the frontlines all that much more impressive, specifically to a rightly terrified newcomer like Scarlet Witch. If this guy can do it, why can't anyone? Oh-also, the dude is better at arrows than anyone on Earth so, that kind of is a superpower.-BW
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47 Sif

47. Lady Sif

Performer: Jaimie Alexander
Film Appearances: Thor (2011), Thor: The Dark World (2013)
TV Appearances: 
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014-2015)

With every swing of her sword and cocky smile, Lady Sif endeared herself to everyone that loves old-fashioned swashbuckling. Jaimie Alexander gave a gutsy performance as Thor's right-hand woman, a true warrior in every meaning of the word. Knowing that the movies always left us wanting more Sif, she became one of the few movie characters to jump to the small-screen in two episodes of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Truly the only bad thing about Lady Sif is that two movies and two hours of TV just aren't enough to do her justice. Fingers crossed we haven't seen the last of her, because we all need to see a Sif/Valkyrie pub crawl.-BW
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48 Drax the Destroyer

48. Drax the Destroyer

Performer: Dave Bautista
Film Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Who woulda guessed that a hulking, macho professional wrestler like Dave Bautista would be the right guy to bring hella pathos to this tragic warrior? That's exactly what he did, though, taking a character that could have been a stoic beast and giving him a broken heart and big belly laugh. Through the two Guardians films, we've watched Drax grow from a single-minded knife-slinger, hellbent on getting revenge for his slain family, into a kind of stern-yet-clueless lovable uncle in a new, dysfunctional unit.-BW
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49 Patricia Trish Walker

49. Patricia "Trish" Walker

Performer: Rachael Taylor
TV Appearances: Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015, 2018), Marvel's The Defenders (2017)

Trish Walker made it clear from the jump that even though she's BFFs with a superhero, she was not going to be anyone's damsel in distress. Over the course of two seasons (and a detour through Defenders), we've watched Trish grow from a teen pop star and addict to a cunning radio journalist and a superhero in her own right. Trish is tough as nails, driven and determined to help those in need-even if it destroys herself. While she may not wear a costume or have a flashy codename, she's every bit the hellcat that Ms. Walker is in the comics.-BW
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50 Mantis

50. Mantis

Performer: Pom Klementieff
Film Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

It takes a special kind of weirdo to fit in with the ragtag ruffians known as the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Mantis turned out to be the right kind of weird. With her empathic abilities, Mantis was able to give the emotionally broken Guardians what they all needed: therapy. But Pom Klementieff made Mantis so much more than a cosmic Frasier. She imbued the character with a wide-eyed wonder and an open heart, giving the rough-around-the-edges team a real dose of much needed innocence.-BW