‘God of War’ Is On Netflix, But It’s Not What You Think

On April 20th, PlayStation 4 released a brand new edition of their smash hit game, “God of War.” This latest installment moved the franchise away from the tried and true milieu of Greco-Roman mythology and brought players into the berserk brutality of Norse lore. The latest edition of “God of War” is the fastest selling installment in the series and has been met with wide-spread acclaim — and some Hollywood attention.

But is an adaptation of the PlayStation game “God of War” already on Netflix? Is there going to be an adaptation? What does Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa have to do with all of this?

Here’s everything we know about “God of War” on Netflix…

Is God of War On Netflix?

Yes, God of War is on Netflix, but it might not be the God of War you’re hoping for. The God of War flick you’ll find on Netflix is a 2017 Chinese action movie about a group of warriors taking on Japanese pirates during the Ming Dynasty. The film’s original title is Dang kou feng yun and it stars Wenzhou Zhao, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, and Regina Wan.

This God of War has nothing to do with the video game “God of War,” but is a slick, violent action film full of blood and guts and explosions and decapitations. It also has been greeted with mixed reviews, but you know, you may just dig it!

But Is There Going To Be A Film Adaptation of the VIDEO GAME “God of War?”

It’s difficult to say. There have been multiple attempts to make a “God of War” movie over the past decade and some change. Back in 2005, the game’s creator David Jaffe said that Road to Perdition scribe David Self had completed a script and that Universal Studios was circling Daniel Craig to play Kratos. Craig reportedly turned the screenplay down and that film fell apart — though apparently Jaffe wanted controversial director Uwe Boll to join the project. Around five years ago, another attempt was made to make the video game into a major motion picture. This new script was written by the team behind Pacific Rim, but it too has yet to go anywhere.

However, there may be signs that another attempt is on the horizon…

What Does Jason Momoa Have To Do With All Of This?

Last summer, Game of Thrones and Justice League star Jason Momoa let it slip that he was not only a big fan of the video game franchise, but that he would love to play Kratos. Last month, this interview started to make the rounds in anticipation of the Playstation 4 game’s release.

Is there any proof that a film is in production with Jason Momoa’s name attached to it? No.

Does it seem like fans really want this to happen? I guess?

Stream God of War on Netflix