‘REA(L)OVE’ on Netflix is Bold, Heartbreaking and Offensive Reality TV

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Netflix’s newest romantic Japanese reality series, REA(L)OVE, begins by placing its contestants in the least romantic spot possible: an empty waterpark in broad daylight where everyone is fully clothed. This is where we meet our 18 unlucky contestants who are about to endure a blind meet and greet with strangers that will soon know their deepest, darkest secrets. By the way, the goal is to fall in love with one of these strangers, all of whom are using fake names to protect their identities. Sound hellish? It is! Welcome to REA(L)OVE, an exercise in everything torturous and strangely binge-able about trashy reality TV.

REA(L)OVE’s unique spin on traditional dating shows is the best thing going for it. Contestants meet one another with the hope of finding love, but along the way each person must reveal a dark secret they’ve been hiding from the group. The secret could be anything – criminal activity, pornographic work, and addiction are all in the mix. This incendiary premise is what kept me coming back to the show.

In its best moments, REA(L)OVE offers something that many reality shows cannot — a messy and awkward look at the dynamics of wooing someone, flaws and all. The most engaging moments of the series came when a new cast member was forced to reveal his or her secret. Viewers get to see exactly how each contestant reacts to these declarations, and the results make for some fascinating and heartbreaking TV moments.

I’m pleased to report that most contestants treat one anothers’ secrets with a high level of respect and understanding. Maybe it’s because they all have a dark secret about to be revealed, but fellow contestants are usually empathetic toward one another’s shame.

The hosts, however, are not as kind. Atsushi Tamura, a “reformed playboy” with a Howard Stern style of offensiveness, and Mari Yaguchi, a former idol and Tamura’s right hand woman, offer live commentary to the ongoing parade of bumbling love and shocking reveals. Most of what they say is not very nice. Tamura consistently slut shames and name calls contestants. When cast members reveal their secrets, Tamura begins to speak of them as if they are beyond redemption.

The consistent put downs quickly became the hardest part of the show to watch. As a viewer, I began to empathize with some of the contestants and hoped that they could find a way through such a messy show and near-abysmal relationship options. However, at times it seemed that the hosts were only there to tear down contestants whenever they had the chance to redeem themselves.

This isn’t Netflix’s first foray into Japanese reality television. Both Ainori Love Wagon: Asian Journey and Terrace House showcase Japanese singles searching for love. However, REA(L)OVE stands out from the pack as the most offensive (and most cheaply produced) of the three. We have a word for that type of show in America: trashy. But keep in mind that trashy doesn’t always mean unwatchable. There will always be carefully tempered and overly produced shows like The Bachelor and Terrace House. But there’s something to be said for a show that can be shot in three days’ time. It’s somehow heartbreaking and cathartic to watch hopeless relationships form and break in a matter of 24 hours, without any roses or mood lighting. And I found myself tearing up as some of the more lovable characters revealed tough secrets and were met with understanding. And while I can always do without the shaming language, the ending of REA(L)OVE is so surprisingly tender and unexpected that it’s worth sticking around just to see the final moments of an unlikely relationship that might actually become this eponymous and enigmatic real love we were promised.
Cody Schmitz is a filmmaker living in New York City. You can find his work at: youtube.com/c/codywyatt

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