If You Loved ‘Seinfeld,’ The New Music Video ‘Jerry (Maybe We Should Get Married)’ Is Totally Spongeworthy

If you love classic mean sitcoms and smooth, beach-inspired melodies, then do we have good news for you. Super Deluxe’s Nick Lutsko and the mind behind the parody account @Seinfeld2000 have teamed up to make up a new Seinfeld song from Elaine’s point of view. And honestly? It’s way catchier than it has any right to be.

Performed by Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast, the song is supposed to be from Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and is called “Jerry (Maybe We Should Get Married).” Its two minutes and 30 second runtime is filled with classic Elaine witticisms and even includes a video that attempts to sync clips from the show to the lyrics.

While SuperDeluxe is now basically known for its smart parodies and odd videos, @Seinfeld2000 has become a bit of a cult favorite Twitter personality. The account reformats Seinfeld jokes to focus on current gripes, because if there’s one thing New Yorkers are great at it’s complaining.

As far as mash-ups go, “Jerry (Maybe We Should Get Married)” is a pretty stellar one. True to @Seinfeld2000’s brand, the song pairs Elaine’s classic bitter New Yorker snark with a delicate melody that wouldn’t be out of place in a hipster bar in Brooklyn. Cosentino’s sweet voice jumps between classic quotes, like “He’s a bad breaker-upper,” to iconic catchphrases. You better believe there are some yadda-yaddas thrown in there. The resulting song is tonally just as sarcastic and exasperated as the show that inspired it but with some modern-day flair.

Happy 20th anniversary to the Seinfeld finale. You can listen to the original song above.

Where to stream Seinfeld